Could a father not marry his son?

I love touching. I always touch people.

I believe inanimate objects have a spirit.

The older I get, the less busy I like to be.

I think the job of artists is to stir things up.

I've actually always been fussy about the work I do.

Same-sex marriage will lead to "fathers marrying sons."

Now in my theater training I showed no aptitude at all.

It's always useful to be in big movies for one's career.

Godspell was a good leap for me, it was a good shop window.

You think, you don't just speak. The lines come off the thoughts.

Sadly, one's parameters are constantly narrowed by one's success.

It's always great to play a man who sets himself up to be punctured.

I have developed a life which seems to need a relatively high income.

I'm not religious. I'm spiritual. Religious seems too much like a club.

I've always tended to play people who relish playing against the rules.

Never played a video game. Actually, I try to keep them out of my house.

I liked the theater. I liked the people. I liked the time that we worked.

Anywhere I can ski in the morning and sell a movie in the afternoon is good.

I've always had a desire to live on the outside. That's where I'm most comfortable.

What takes us back to the past are the memories. What brings us forward is our dreams.

There are people who are victims in life, and I don't think they should be encouraged.

You ask my wife or my two sons, and they'll tell you that I ain't free with the money.

My next step must be to go to drama school. Well, I get into drama school, so I did that.

Actors often behave like children, and so we're taken for children. I want to be grown up.

Because I'm now successful, what I'm being offered as an actor is more and more of the same.

I had people when I was younger trying to feel me up. Older men. I just told them to get lost.

I try to avoid doing movies where I act with tennis balls. It's ultimately incredibly tedious.

I don't mind getting older. I'm enjoying not having that raging ambition I've had all my life.

I wanted to become an actor because I wanted to become a gypsy. I wanted to live the gypsy life!

So the better my partner or my opposition, however you like to think about it, the better my game.

Mathematicians are always playing tricks on each other. They're always pulling jokes on each other.

No, I don't believe in hard work. If something is hard, leave it. Let it come to you. Let it happen.

I was not naturally intellectual, but somebody whose interest had to be whetted, still the case sadly.

I constantly experience failure in that my work is never as good as I want it to be. So I live with failure.

I think there's still an appetite among a certain audience to see intelligent movies that have real emotion in them.

Commerce seems to be covering every aspect of our lives now. Which me, because I'm a romantic, is sad for me to say.

Mine is an actor's voice, not a singer's voice, but the part was written for an actor (Richard Burton), not a singer.

I've never disliked a character I've played. I've always tried to find the humanity and the reasons for what he does.

We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they're called memories. Some take us forward, they're called dreams.

I think I'm probably an assassin and not a Templar, but no doubt we're probably run by people with Templar mentalities.

I think I would not be described as a character actor in that I don't take on characteristics which are very alien to me.

I do what I do because I like doing it. I'm well paid for it. I get far too much adulation compared with what it's worth.

The work I prefer to do are the smaller budget pictures, television can be great but it ties you up for quite a long time.

It was a better time to be a young actor when I started out. There was a repertory system where you could go and practise.

One always returns to the fact that there are just too many of us, the population continues to rise and it's unsustainable.

We all have our time machines, don't we. Those that take us back are memories...And those that carry us forward, are dreams.

There's a great thing about amateur sport: it is purer. And the athletes are not open to so much pressure with amateur sport.

It's just money; it's made up. Pieces of paper with pictures on it so we don't have to kill each other just to get something to eat.

I succeeded on sort of chutzpah and charm. No technique at all, didn't know what I was doing, but it worked and the character suited me.

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