I've always been a workhorse.

Cynicism is for lightweights.

I don't exist without writing.

I'm not a wild and crazy person.

I've always toured solo acoustic.

In the end only kindness matters.

Your life becomes what you believe.

I'm half alive but I feel mostly dead.

Love is a flame neither timid nor tame.

Words can crush things that are unseen.

Only kindness matters. We are God's hands.

My fans get passionate about certain songs.

Dreams last so long, even after you're gone

Self worth sets the standard that life meets.

I don't see the world unless I see it in ink.

We are loved beyond our ability to comprehend.

I was raised really poor and so was my husband.

Without a band, I'm much more free to improvise.

I'd rather see the world from a different angle.

Forgiveness is the needle that knows how to mend.

Worry is wasteful and useless in times like these.

Everything is temporary if you give it enough time.

What we call human nature, is actually human habit.

I love touring - I don't do it as often as I should.

I find you get out of people what you put into them.

Who will save your soul, if you won’t save your own?

I tend to eat what I want, which probably isn't good.

Nature has a funny way of breaking what does not bend.

I've been performing on stage since I was six years old.

Through Love and through Beauty, we achieve immortality.

A good love is delicious, you can't get enough too soon.

I developed a loyal following. No one knew I was homeless.

Hard times make you bitter or make you more compassionate.

I enjoy hard work; I love setting goals and achieving them.

I enjoy hard work, I love setting goals and achieving them.

What we believe as human nature in actuality is human habit.

If I'm a phenomenon, it makes me feel like I have no purpose.

Life is seductive, yet so few allow themselves to be seduced.

In silence you hear who you are becoming. You create yourself.

We must all work together to end youth homelessness in America

We must all work together to end youth homelessness in America.

Show me one man who knows his own heart, to him I shall belong.

It's just an inch from me to you depending on what map you use.

Optimism is a choice. Cynicism isn't smarter - it's just safer.

All things change. Cultivate flexibility rather than perfection.

I get really bored if I don't have more than one thing going on.

We must demand more not from each other, but more from ourselves

The show is different every night, because I never write a setlist.

It's been too many nights of being with to now be suddenly without.

No longer lend your strength to that which you wish to be free from.

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