Hustle is just playing the game right.

My role is to set everything in motion.

You have to believe in yourself every day.

Why tone down my aggressiveness? When I do, I get in trouble.

Physical ability only goes so far. You have to work hard the rest of the way.

Even when I'm nervous, I think I'm able to turn that nervous energy into strength.

I planned on being successful ever since I was young. To me, this is nothing to be surprised about.

I've got numbers in my head that I'd like to keep to myself. If I get them or pass them, only I will know.

Passiveness affects everything. It affects you on the bases and on defense. It affects your thinking. I can't be passive.

No, I'm not the prototypical leadoff man. I'm not the prototypical anything. I just try to be the prototypical Jimmy Rollins.

The bottom line is just that Rickey Henderson was my favorite player. His flair, his style-the key word is impact-he's an impact player.

For me personally it doesn't matter who is the manager, I'm going to go out there and play for the manager, and play for this uniform as a team.

If you're talented enough and play long enough, and put up numbers, you'll get to the Hall of Fame. That doesn't make you a World Series winner.

You are recognized by your bat. If you are the best hitting shortstop out there, that's how you win a Gold Glove. That's the way it is. It shouldn't be-it's a defensive award.

People think I must have all these superstitions, but I don't. I use my batting gloves 'til they wear out. I broke four or five bats during the streak, and I didn't cry over any of them.

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