The B Team can catalyse initiatives.

When I became CEO, Puma was bankrupt on paper.

I'm a virtual worker. I'm not tied to an office.

Puma is a brand deeply rooted in sporting lifestyle.

In the long term, Greece is an important market for us.

I'm building Segera to promote a different way of doing tourism.

I'm trying to go beyond the traditional cliches of an African safari.

If we look at pricing holistically, we'll create a more solid business.

Business needs to push the agenda rather than waiting for it to happen.

I haven't been hunting for years. It is just a tradition I grew up with.

I always wanted to be a medical doctor, and I never thought of business.

Every time a new CEO came, I got a promotion till I was made CEO myself.

Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It's about doing more good.

Fashion is a logical place to start to raise awareness for sustainable causes.

As much as I like to explore the world, I explore music - from classical to rock.

Resources are being destroyed, and if you don't have resources, you can't do business.

We all know that cattle and beef are among the biggest contributors to carbon emissions.

Some of the greatest stars in the history of football have been under contract with Puma.

We should eat less meat - all of us - and we should use less leather. I mean, that's reality.

We're trying to find a tourism model that allows communities to thrive while business prospers.

I wanted Puma to regain strength with the existing logo rather than try to get rid of the past.

Looking at Mount Kenya in the morning is a holistic experience. I go back at least once a year.

Unless the local community signs up, wildlife won't survive. And without wildlife, no one will visit.

We have to find alternative ways of producing our raw materials without asking nature to do it for us.

I can well imagine making acquisitions so long as these are complementary to Puma and move it forward.

If we bring together the right people, communities can flourish and wildlife can survive alongside them.

It may sound crazy, but maybe there's an economic way of producing a leather-like product in the laboratory.

The problem is you can't wear your old shoes too often because people say, 'You're still wearing that shoe?'

For a long time, companies ignored the fact that 80 percent of sporting goods are sold to the casual consumer.

If you look at the state of our planet, the next generations won't be around if we consider sustainability as a gimmick.

We should bring in an environmental attitude, and I think luxury should automatically be about sustainability and quality.

Walking out into the bush still feels the same as when I first came to Kenya in 1989, on the day the Berlin Wall came down.

It's shocking to think about how little the travel industry cares about sustainability - and it's the basis of their business!

Let's recreate the equivalent of the Met Ball in Europe and, rather than for the museum, give the money to environmental causes.

We believe that African football is among the best in the world and very much characterized the Puma brand mentality, which is to win.

Being able to dedicate 100 per cent of my time to impacting more businesses without being operational, it just gives me a bigger platform.

When I joined in 1990, as they say in the sport of sailing, Puma was in the doldrums. It was a difficult time, and Puma had gone to sleep.

Be curious enough to keep an open mind to what's happening around you in society. You can look at yourself and the world at the same time.

In Africa, you can make three acres sustainable relatively easily, but 50,000 acres? It's not about picking up towels or sleeping in a tent.

I could have bought a pristine part of Tanzania. But I saw a beautiful mountain, game that could come back, and country that could be rich again.

I'm a curious person, and I always like to test new waters, and I've always jumped into the cold water and then started to think about how to swim.

When it came to the discussion about would Harley do an electric bike, I said, 'Absolutely - this is a no-brainer.' Let's define the sound of the future.

The puma... the cat... is not just about power and speed and strength... but it is also a very elegant animal. That's what we've tried to reflect in our products.

I believe in metaphysics. I don't believe in God because I think that is a human simplification of the things we can't explain. But I believe in a greater universe.

When I became CEO, I just didn't think about my age too much. I'm sure many people did think that my age mattered, but I didn't. That was probably because of my age.

We always try to reinterpret sport in an innovative, fashionable way, and when we do fashion, we're always trying to bring our sports heritage into the fashion world.

We allow people to be creative. We set a direction, we set the vision, we set the strategy, but within that framework, we allow our people to be as creative as they want to be.

Governments have a unique opportunity to incentivise corporations so that they can accelerate their evolution to a more sustainable economy through more sustainable practices and products.

I think South Africa has shown it can host such a big event as the World Cup, so why not hold the Olympics at some point in Africa? Maybe not just in one country but in a host of countries.

When you are small, and you have to try and prove yourself, it is tough. When others are catching up and copy you, that's tough. We constantly need to change ourselves to stay ahead of the game.

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