Football is what I love, and I know I can do it, too.

I'm lucky - we're all lucky - to be playing a game for a living.

Winning is about believing you're never out of a game. I've always believed that.

To me, I'm still a 24-year-old kid who just happens to have a better paying job than other kids my age.

The biggest thing is not to lose your confidence and realize you've got to work through those mistakes to yourself a chance to improve.

I'm not an athlete; I'm a quarterback. I don't have great speed, and I can't throw 90 yards down the field. I win games because I've done the mental preparation.

That's what being a leader is all about. If the other players see you in a non-positive mind set, that affects them. I have to present an air of confidence at all times.

My energy level rises but I get calmer, if that's possible. What a lot of people tend to do is get real tight and get all psyched up and take themselves out of their game.

We're still as confident, as optimistic as we ever were. You know we hit a little stumbling block here, but I think it's going to be good for us because we can learn from it.

What I try to do is create an energy, create an excitement, but at the same time keep everybody focused and realize it's still just a game, that we have to move the football.

Everyone asks me if piano had helped me in football. I guess improvisation and creativity helps on the field, but that's a reach. The two skills are just so different. And, by the way, I get more nervous playing piano.

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