I am rich enough.

Art is spiritual.

Justice always has context.

I guess maybe I'm idealistic.

In the future, there is no future.

I have a bit of a rebellious nature.

Maybe the absence of signs is a sign.

I was a teen star. That's disgusting enough.

A lot of people are not meant to be together.

I never wanted to come off as self-important.

Nope, no sex scandals yet. But I am open to offers!

I'm a paranoid schizophrenic. I am my own entourage!

I just love the process of working with other actors.

I was raised Catholic until I was old enough to say no.

I read Noam Chomsky. I like some of Gore Vidal's stuff.

Being on a movie set is like one long financial crisis.

I was never interested in being an overly public person.

Usually I play people who just keep babbling on and on and on.

No, actors go out with actresses as a form of self-flagellation.

The elderly have so much to offer. They're our link with history.

Kitsch is more dangerous than it looks when taken to the extreme.

All my romantic stories are a scrambled version of that first one.

Having people remember something that you did 25 years ago doesn't suck.

I feel like I'm a filmmaker; I don't feel I need to yell action and cut.

I'm not making any plans. I'm just going to let the universe surprise me.

The people who say they're for democracy want nothing to do with democracy.

I feel like I'm a filmmaker; I don't feel I need to yell 'action' and 'cut.'

Sometimes you meet people and you feel like you've known them for a long time.

These guys who talk about free markets, they're not ideologues; they're crooks.

In the United States, we can talk about ISIS, but we can't talk about Palestine.

I have a good friend who's a Texas girl; Texas girls are a whole different breed.

Every role you do is kind of a side of yourself. That's why they give you the part.

New York's like a boxing match. In Hollywood, it's like a Fellini movie or something.

All the choices we make in our life are pointless. There’s no escaping the inevitable.

A lot of people know that something very drastic has happened to the very idea of America.

But no, I don't really like romantic comedies, so I don't really care. I never go see 'em.

If you wanna give me an award, I'll take it. Just don't make me go to the party afterwards.

Do I listen to pop music because I'm miserable or am I miserable because listen to pop music?

Radical Islam and US exceptionalism are in bed with each other. They're like lovers, methinks.

I like the George Romero films, which were really great, social satire movies; really twisted.

Usually I do everything reverse. I practice something in movies and then I try it in real life.

Don't buy into the corporate mythology that's been rammed down our throats for all these years.

It's a very frightening time when something as basic as due process is seen as somehow radical.

I try not to dwell on the past. I'm not a big go-back-and-try-to-relive-your-past kinda person.

I don't want to produce anymore small or independent movies because it's just too hard these days.

I don't agonize over decisions as much these days. The criteria of what's important to me is clear.

Well, any time you do anything good, it's man versus himself, right? That's the art, the challenge.

My point was that it's hard to make good films, but I'm not under any illusion that you do all the time.

The ages two to 15 I spent at different stages of shortness. I didn't become a tall person until I was 16.

I never really saw myself as an activist but at some point the activist is the only moral position to take.

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