He didn't look back. He never did

It's the Kalkara. they're hunting.

It's a sword, not a fairy wand, you know.

Sometimes I'm so devious I confuse myself.

Fanatics," Halt said. "Don't you just love 'em?

Failure is just a few seconds away from success.

Success tended to make the unorthodox acceptable

Sometimes, he thought, all you could do was wait.

Halt Halt," said Gilan stepping out into the open.

He could bear the dying, but not the disappointment.

Problems postponed have a habit of solving themselves

If everything is done for me... how will I ever learn?

How can you stay so calm?" It helps if you're terrified.

Got to keep losing horses," he said drowsily. "Bad habit.

He had lost control over his own body, he realized dully.

Strange, he thought, how seldom people tend to look up" - Will

Very impressive. Where did you learn that?" Made it up just now.

Always expect trouble in the desert. Then you usually won't meet it.

I will remember this word," he said. "Shenanigans. It is a good word.

I'm not really interested in being king. I prefer to work for a living

My freind is the man who gives me a book I aint read."Abraham Linclion

It was not polite for a Temujai general to allow his emotions to show.

It would be unthinkably bad luck to be betrayed by a rumbling stomach.

The battle, if you could call it that, lasted no more than a few seconds.

There's nothing honerable in a man who hides behind a blue woman's hanky.

You can always win points. Winning people’s respect is a lot more important.

Don't concentrate on the obvious. They might want you to miss something else.

Never give up because, if an opportunity arises, you have to be ready to take it.

It's surprising how often history is decided by something as trival as bad shellfish.

You're an Apprentice! You're not ready to think!" Gilan and Halt. The Ruins of Gorlan.

Now I know that if you wait until you think you are ready, you'll wait your whole life

You know, Gilan, sarcasm isn't the lowest form of wit. It's not even wit at all." -Halt

People will think what they want to," he said quietly. Never take too much notice of it.

If they invent a four legged chicken," Will said, "Horace will think he's gone to Heaven.

Tug looked nervously at his master. Horses aren't supposed to fly, he seemed to be saying.

Men... performed better when they understood why they were being asked to carry out a task.

Idiots, Halt muttered. If we were here to cause trouble, we could simply ride them both down

Halt shook his head. Frankly, he'd seen sacks of potatoes that could sit a horse better than Erak

I'll be needing a bridesmaid',she said.'A tall one. That way, I'll look more petite and feminine.

Sometimes people can be too intellegent for their own good. Too much thinking could confuse things.

You've always said I should have an inquiring mind," she said. "I have. But not an interrupting one.

An ordinary archer practices until he gets it right. A ranger practices until he never gets it wrong.

Shall I call the others back in?" He nodded. "Why ask me? It's all of you who are making the decisions.

Horace normally didn't need anyone else to save his life. He was pretty skilled at doing it for himself.

Face your fears, Halt had always thought him, and more often than not they fade like mist in the sunshine

She didn't like the fact that she had reduced a man – no matter how evil he might be—to a drooling idiot.

Don't worry, chief. We've got these Tualaghi surrounded - from the inside." "Exactly," Erak replied dryly.

Anyone can make a mistake.... It's how they learn from it and recover from it that shows their true worth.

It's not what I expected," he said. "They're far more organized than our intelligence had led us to believe.

Shut up, Axl!" he whispered fiercly. "If you want to break your neck, do it quietly or I'll break it for you.

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