My inspiration is everything that the human being gets up to.

Turn the other cheek too often and you get a razor through it.

If you really want the truth of anything, don't use Wikipedia.

I have one major problem with the Internet: It's full of liars.

I could take on England, but I couldn't take on one heroin user.

People should never allow themselves to be dictated to by media.

It's quite clear to me I'm not a sexist and I'm not a misogynist.

If dolphins are so intelligent, how come they ain't got Walkmans?

You'd have to be daft as a brush to say you didn't like Pink Floyd.

This is a very difficult thing to remain independent and persistent.

I never thought of Green Day as a punk band. Just bubblegum, really.

If you are pissing people off, you know you are doing something right

I've done no harm to no one. In fact, I think I've improved the world.

I don't like walking in the street and seeing 30,000 copies of myself.

I had an Irish Catholic education. Horrible nuns, vindictive and cruel.

I don't believe in false memories, like I don't believe in false songs.

Love is what you feel for a dog or a pussycat. It doesn't apply to humans.

For me, the best rock is not what you play - it's what you're not playing.

I have no time for lies and fantasy, and neither should you. Enjoy or die.

I do use my music to entertain myself, as indeed I use other people's music.

I always find the mirror in the dressing room is where the best artists are.

I hate death; it takes people away from you. You're left feeling rudderless.

Obama's dense as a doorbell; not much going on up there - it's a wooden top.

I find Lady Gaga hilarious. And I kind of like her. My heart's warmed to her.

Occasionally, a re-enactment is a fine thing. I love Civil War re-enactments.

The idea of hearing, 'Great gig, man,' one more time just turns my stomach over.

Music is a simulation of something, but language is the greatest thing we possess.

I'd rather give up my ears than my eyes, which might sound unusual for a musician.

Art should be life. It's an imitation of life. It should have some humanity in it.

Just because people think politically different to you doesn't mean they're inhuman.

Stroll into work at 10. Lunch from 12 till three. Leave work at five. That's living!

Rules are important, but they're temporary and they're always supposed to be changed.

I could never be a member of a single party. I want the best of all worlds, thank you.

I don't tolerate liars. When somebody lies to me, that's really, like, just unbearable.

If anyone asks for your autograph they're showing you respect and give it back to them.

Let's face it, I ain't ever gonna be the best singer in the world, or the best anything.

Sometimes the most positive thing you can be in a boring society is absolutely negative.

When I write, my brain moves faster than my hands so I'm always trying to picture things.

Any kind of history you read is basically the winning side telling you the others were bad.

I don't like the monikers, and I don't like being pigeonholed. You know, I'm a human being.

Some of us are born big-minded with small penises. Others have big penises and small-minded.

I'm very open about my politics. I don't believe in any political party at all, none of them.

If I'm left to my own devices, I will be tempted to make the most unlistenable music possible.

Do what I want, be honest to myself and then it would do good for others, that's all, full on.

I'm not blowing my own trumpet here, but I made a rap song 20 years ago with Afrika Bambaataa.

I think there's something basically wrong with the general public that they do need their icons.

Americans being upright and forthright and honest and true to themselves is a very hard concept.

No matter what you experience in life, it incorporates political tendencies, and in so many ways.

Anybody who says, "Look, John, I'm a politician. Don't believe a word I say," is a friend of mine.

Me, as a human, I never want to take away another human being's choices or lifestyles or anything.

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