Faith: The opposite of dogmatism.

Anglo Saxons: To blame for everything.

Everyone has an equal right to inequality.

Love: A term which has no meaning if defined.

A Big Mac - the communion wafer of consumption.

Content is an obstacle to the exercise of power.

Pessimism: A valuable protection against quackery.

Unregulated competition is a naive metaphor for anarchy.

McDonald's is the ultimate symbol of passive conformity.

We must discover how to ask simple questions of ourselves.

Dictionary: Opinion presented as truth in alphabetical order.

Democracy, of course, requires strong demands from the public.

Dictionary - opinion expressed as truth in alphabetical order.

Freedom - an occupied space which must be reoccupied every day.

Money is not real. It is a conscious agreement on measuring value.

We all need a bit of self-delusion. It gets us over the difficult spots.

If economists were doctors, they would today be mired in malpractice suits.

Nothing is absolute, with the debatable exceptions of this statement and death.

Armaments; extremely useful for fighting wars, a deadweight in any civil economy.

People cannot do what they cannot think, and they cannot think what they cannot say.

Like all religions, Reason presents itself as the solution to the problems it has created

United States:. A nation given either to unjustified over-enthusiasms or infantile furies.

As an inclusive quality, imagination is thus our primary force for progress, whatever progress is.

Whenever governments adopt a moral tone - as opposed to an ethical one - you know something is wrong.

Bankers - pillars of society who are going to hell if there is a God and He has been accurately quoted.

It is undoubtedly easier to believe in absolutes, follow blindly, mouth received wisdom. But that is self-betrayal.

The citizen's job is to be rude - to pierce the comfort of professional intercourse by boorish expressions of doubt.

In a society of ideological believers, nothing is more ridiculous than the individual who doubts and does not conform.

I have a theory of statistics: if you can double them or halve them and they still work, they are really good statistics.

Humanism: an exaltation of freedom, but one limited by our need to exercise it as an integral part of nature and society.

Happy Hour: a depressing comment on the rest of the day and a victory for the most limited Dionysian view of human nature.

There is no need to search for global solutions, apart from an absolute necessity to destroy the idea that such things exist.

Only when God was said to have died did various leaders, professions and sectors risk pushing themselves forward as successors.

Ten geographers who think the world is flat will tend to reinforce each other's errors ... Only a sailor can set them straight.

It's quite humbling when you see the list of writers who have been president of PEN and you know some of the things they've done.

Canada is the only country in the West that hasn't given in to the rhetoric of fear. The dominant rhetoric is a line of inclusion.

Capitalism was reasonably content under Hitler, happy under Mussolini, very happy under Franco and delirious under General Pinochet.

There is something silly about grown men and women striving to reduce their vision of themselves and of civilization to bean counting.

An individual who stands out, or disagrees or takes risks is a danger to such systems and is effortlessly and, unconsciously sidelined.

Elites quite naturally define as the most important and admired qualities for a citizen those on which they themselves have concentrated.

It is the considered opinion of most members of our rational élites that, in any given difference of opinion with reality, reality is wrong.

In all earlier civilizations, it should be remembered, commerce was treated as a narrow activity and by no means the senior sector in society.

If allowed to run free of the social system, capitalism will attempt to corrupt and undermine democracy, which is after all not a natural state.

Which is ideology? Which not? You shall know them by their assertion of truth, their contempt for considered reflection, and their fear of debate.

I don't use the word 'renaissance'. It's flawed because in Latin, it's tied to the rebirth of Christ... It's a word that's tied to a European concept.

Marx was fortunate to have been born eighty years before Walt Disney. Disney also promised a child's paradise and unlike Marx, delivered on his promise.

Democracy is the only system capable of reflecting the humanist premise of equilibrium or balance. The key to its secret is the involvement of the citizen.

The recession is over." This phrase has been used twice a year since 1973 by government leaders throughout the West. Its meaning is unclear. See: Depression.

Educating the masses was intended only to improve the relationship between the top and the bottom of society. Not for changing the nature of the relationship.

Traditionally in capitalism, when you have more cash, you can fund more activity, which produces more jobs and creates more wealth. That's basic economic theory.

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