We cater for fashion-conscious people.

Fabric is the foundation of a collection.

I always have a cigar when I catch a fish.

I'm interested in beauty more than anything else.

A woman can look incredibly sexy in a black suit.

My life is about family and friends as well as work.

Design has always been at the heart of our business.

My dream home would be a fishing lodge in New Zealand.

To create a beautiful thing with unlimited money is easy!

As I get older and older, people like my work more and more.

Just because something is trendy doesn't mean it will suit you.

I want romance; I want people to be happy in their relationships.

I'm a British designer, and it's great to show on your own ground.

I used to play football, and then my wife bought me a fishing rod.

I love my black shirts; I have usually 14 of them at any one time.

Guys want to be cool without appearing to be bothered about trends.

I went from fashion to glass in 1995, and I'm very interested in architecture.

The day I feel my clothes are no longer relevant, I will be happy to step down.

I always promised myself that I wouldn't do catwalk shows until the day I died.

It was a very, very happy childhood, but I always knew I wanted to see the world.

I love white walls because white reflects the light and is a great backdrop for art.

I like to create a simple space and surround myself with things that I like to look at.

It is hard to have a fashion business in any country, but even more difficult in Ireland.

My Chinese grandmother was a dressmaker, so I always enjoyed dressing up and looking cool.

As a heterosexual designer, it is really, really important to have a woman's point of view.

I want to challenge myself in new mediums; I want to leave myself open to different things.

I think natural fibers look better over time. The more you wear them, they look even better.

I always challenge myself to do something better, and people in the industry appreciate that.

I will never see myself as a businessman. I'm a designer. I have to be true to what I believe.

I think, as a designer, what you have to do is challenge yourself to do what you do, but better.

Men like clothes they can wear to work and afterwards. They don't want things to be complicated.

My homes are similar in style because the same design principles run through all areas of my work.

My heritage is a huge part of everything I do; it is, after all, part of what has made me who I am.

My most precious possession is a 13.5-feet-long fishing rod, made by an American firm called Loomis.

I want to explore my design philosophy in different mediums, and I'm very interested in architecture.

Fashion is instant - after six months, it disappears, and you have to start again. That's the nature of it.

I still love Birkenstocks. I just think they are the most comfortable things; I even wear them in winter sometimes.

Fashion remains closest to my heart. I get genuinely excited by my collections - I never wanted to be a businessman.

I have no idea why, but I find that men make more of an impact on me in films than women - even very beautiful ones.

I never set out to do interior design; I just do what I do, and some people come along and want me to work with them.

We have achieved tremendous success in Ireland and internationally on the strength of our creativity and design skills.

Beautiful fabrics last; synthetics don't. Certain fabrics, such as linen or cotton, develop their own character over time.

I don't want to be an elitist designer. It's no fun just catering for a small group of people. It's against my principles.

During fashion week, I dream about fashion; afterwards, I dream about fishing. After fashion week, I always go fishing to wind down.

I dress pop stars, and I dress my doctor. It's about attitude. I do what I love, and I'm lucky to do it. It's a long way from Hong Kong.

Your 30s is the time to embrace bold, zingy colour patterns and to follow trends while taking time to get used to what really suits you.

I can tell you every element of every single look from each collection - one to 30 - without looking at a picture: my label is all done by me.

My family was quite poor, and the NHS was recruiting people from abroad to do psychiatric nursing. It was the only hope I had to leave Hong Kong.

I believe that IT is the way forward. Every other industry utilises IT, and I feel that fashion needs to use it more extensively to move forward.

I am trained as a fashion designer and do not claim to be an expert architect or anything like that. I won't do something unless I know I can do it.

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