I will try not to panic, to keep my standard of living modest and to ...

I will try not to panic, to keep my standard of living modest and to work steadily, even shyly, in the spirit of those medieval carvers who so fondly sculpted the undersides of choir seats.

Religion enables us to ignore nothingness and get on with the jobs of ...

Religion enables us to ignore nothingness and get on with the jobs of life.

I'm a dull person.

I like short stories.

Nature refuses to rest.

Humor is my default mode.

Love makes the air light.

Gods don't answer letters.

My father taught only math.

I have never liked haircuts.

I don't think women are dumb.

Fraud makes the world go round.

All blessings are mixed blessings.

Eros is everywhere. It is what binds.

One does not go to Moscow to get fat.

We are most alive when we're in love.

Looking foolish does the spirit good.

Belief, like love, must be voluntary.

Without rain, there would be no life.

Sun and moon, sun and moon, time goes.

Our lives fade behind us before we die.

Critics are like pigs at the pastry cart.

Harvard has enough panegyrists without me.

In no other sport must the spectator move.

We are cruel enough without meaning to be.

Accent the ugly until it becomes gorgeous.

Our tears fatten upon our memories of joy.

Women are an alien race set down among us.

God is in the tiger as well as in the lamb.

A cynic is a kind of romantic who has aged.

Mozart's music gives us permission to live.

Sex is like money; only too much is enough.

Reagan has turned America into a tax haven.

The first breathe of adultery is the freest.

Time is our element, not a mistaken invader.

Celebrity is a mask that eats into the face.

Human was the music, natural was the static.

In the vacuum of the heart love falls forever.

What we need is progress with an escape hatch.

Being on TV is like being alive, only more so.

Authors should be honored only for their works.

Old age treats freelance writers pretty gently.

America is a vast conspiracy to make you happy.

Of nothing but me I sing, lacking another song.

The first author I met socially was Joyce Cary.

In becoming an icon, it is useful to die young.

Fiction is burdened for me with a sense of duty.

The great thing about the dead, they make space.

Chaos is God's body. Order is the Devil's chains.

Affairs, ... , like everything else, ask too much.

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