Life is a rotten lottery.

Contemporary art hates you.

I respect everything I make fun of.

Without obsession, life is nothing.

Aren't maids the ultimate art critics?

I like art. It's another way to rebel.

Don’t sleep with people who don’t read.

I want to be harder to reach, not easier.

I didn't follow anybody's advice, really.

I want to be in a 'Final Destination' movie.

Technique is nothing more than failed style.

Science fiction is something I never understood.

Nothing is more impotent than an unread library.

The further away I am from water, the less well I do!

Isn't that the most perverse thing you've ever heard?

Censorship has been my best press agent my whole life.

To understand bad taste one must have very good taste.

If I made a film today, it would certainly be on digital.

There is right and there is wrong, I have NEVER been wrong.

I think social justice is important. I think it's not fair.

At my age, you can go either fat or gaunt. I've gone gaunt.

As far as socially redeeming value, I hope I don't have any.

I don't like reality TV. I don't want to look down on people.

My hobby is extreme Catholic behavior - before the Reformation.

I thank God I was raised Catholic, so sex will always be dirty.

Going to a sensational murder trial is the only way I can relax.

Just make sure your children hate authority and they'll do fine.

Wouldn't you rather your kid be a drug dealer than a drug addict?

Sometimes I wish I was a woman, just so I could have an abortion.

I didn't become a drug addict because I always had to make a movie.

The Easter Bunny is a major reason for heroin addiction in America.

I mean, what is prison, really, except a good bar without the liquor?

I used to joke that I was trying to sell out, and nobody would buy me.

I wish something on T.V. would trouble me. Then maybe I would watch it.

An underground hit didn't make any money and it cost a dollar to get in.

I pride myself on the fact that my work has no socially redeeming value.

There are schools for weird children now. There wasn't when I was young.

I do take a one-week vacation every year, and I go to London in the fall.

I've signed peoples' parole cards at book signings and it's very touching.

I don't trust anyone that hasn't been to jail at least once in their life.

I believe that both Obama and Trump would describe themselves as outsiders.

I always wanted to be a juvenile delinquent but my parents wouldn't let me.

I haven't changed - the public has. I'm an insider now, which is hilarious.

To me, beauty is looks you can never forget. A face should jolt, not soothe.

Some call me director, producer, filmmaker. I prefer to call myself pube-king.

It isn't enough to shock. It's easy to shock. Real surprise is what I'm after.

My films can be considered political action against the tyranny of good taste.

People who want to act rich when they're upper-middle class. They try too hard.

I'd love to sell out completely. It's just that nobody has been willing to buy.

I was in the 'Alvin and the Chipmunk' movie, which was a real bucket list item.

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