I'm really into jujitsu. I'm a purple belt. I love it. It's a big part of my life.

It's inspiring just to work on something and just kind of keep the creative juices flowing.

I'm so grateful. I worked on some really quality projects as a kid and I was really lucky for the opportunities I got.

I've heard when girls meet 'N Sync and the Backstreet Boys, they throw up on them and faint. I wouldn't want to get thrown up on.

I work free-weights and do circuit training with my trainer 4-5 times a week. I also train in Brazilian Ju Jitsu several times a week.

I really want to do something where I can show my physicality - something with a lot of action. Action would be fun. I'd really like to do that.

I remember getting a Phoenix Suns T-shirt. I had that Phoenix Suns T-shirt forever. It's the funny things you remember as a kid, but it was a blast.

Sometimes you just gotta get in front of the camera because sometimes you have a long break between things, or you're auditioning and maybe nothing's really happening.

I would by no means call myself an expert or say that I'm extremely into superhero movies, but I've pretty much seen every Avengers movie and Iron Man, so I'd say a good amount.

I live in Hollywood. Go three feet and you will run into someone more cut and better looking than me. For me, working out is more about keeping my temperament great. Jujitsu and lifting keep me very even.

If you want to perform at your ultimate best, if you want to be the best you can be in sports and in school, mentally, physically - chiropractic is the way, because everything has to do with your nervous system.

I kind of became a gym rat. The more results I saw, the more dedicated I became. It is such a great feeling to see your hard work pay off. I mean, if I'm gonna skip the In-N-Out burgers, there better be light at the end of the tunnel!

My family actually owns an MMA promotion company, so it's kind of a family deal. It's called Fight Sports Entertainment, and they throw amateur fights in California. Because of that, I've given my mom a lot of the fighters to fight in a show.

I feel like a lot of times when you get signed to an agent they just send you everywhere, so I still audition for a lot for voiceover stuff. I actually don't book a lot of it, and I love doing it so I get disappointed because I want to do more voice stuff.

I grew up in Westlake Villiage, a suburb of L.A. There was a guy there who was a fighter and was like, 'I'll teach you to box.' I started a little bit of boxing, then it crossed over into jiu-jitsu. I was into it for a little while, but then I started doing basketball, baseball, team sports.

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