That's stupid." "That's people.

They won the war but lost the peace.

Revenge is an infection of the spirit.

Suffering is easier to endure when shared.

Sometimes shame is a more powerful engine than rage.

The whole world turned into an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Everyone carries around his own monsters.---Richard Pryor

Jim Rollins is the king of the weird science action genre.

We're each alone inside our heads, some more so than others.

Closure isn't closure until someone's ready to close the door.

Things said and done innocently should never be used as weapons.

Like most writers, I read deeply into the genre in which I write.

She wept for the hurt that he owned, a hurt she could never hope to remove.

It’s easier to be a character in a story than the star of your own tragedy.

Guilt and rage, hatred and fear were pathways to weakness and clumsy choices.

It's important to know the past, but your survival depends on knowing the present.

Is he nuts?" "I think the expression used to be 'touched by God'." "So that would be a yes.

You have to keep your mind as wide-open as your eyes, because almost nothing is what it seems.

The truth is the truth. What changes is what we know about it and what we're willing to believe.

My whole body is a lethal weapon, you know. I know more ways to kill you than you know how to die.

Point is, people lie a lot. Sometimes out of habit. Not many people are good at telling the truth.

If you battle monsters, you don't always become a monster. But you aren't entirely human anymore, either.

Generosity could be as contagious as the zombie plague as long as enough people were willing to be carriers.

Rage was sometimes a useful ally in the heat of a fight, but it was a trickster. It made everything seem possible.

A HUMAN ELEMENT is an elegant and haunting first novel. Unrelenting, devious but full of heart. Highly recommended.

UNMARKED is both gorgeous and hideous. A frightening and disturbing tale spun with great beauty. Absolutely riveting.

By the time I finished the first series, 'Marvel Universe vs. Punisher,' I knew that there was a lot more story to tell.

With 'Extinction Machine,' I wanted to start some conversations about whether we're alone in the universe and what that might mean.

But sometimes shame is a more powerful engine than rage. Like rage, it burns hot; and like rage it tends to consume its own furnace.

Yo! Deadheads," he yelled, waving his sword to taunt them. "Nice try, but you're messing with Benny-freaking-Imura, zombie killer. Booyah!

There was a sliver of moon and a splash of stars, and the light outlined her face and glistened on the tears that ran like mercury down her cheeks.

I’m not sure I could trust a man who would bypass an Oreo in favor of vanilla wafers. It’s a fundamental character flaw, possibly a sign of true evil.

'V-Wars' is a head-on collision of real-world science, terrorism, special forces action, ethics, politics and an exploration of what defines us as human.

They held each other and wept as the night closed its fist around their tiny shelter, and the world below them seethed with killers both living and dead.

There are moments that define a person's whole life. MOMENTS in which everything they are and everything they may possibly become hinge on a single decision.

I've managed to stay alive out here in the Ruin because I'm a realist. I allow the truth to be the truth, no matter how much I might want it to be something else.

Walls, towns, rules, and day-to-day life doesn't make us civilized ... That's organization and ritual. Civilization lives in our hearts and heads or it doesn't exist at all.

How do you know that?" "Because,"Chong said with raised eyebrows,"when you open those things called 'books',there are words as well as pictures.Sometimes the words tell you stuff.

I don't aspire to write like Steve King. Sure, I admire his work, and I think he's a hell of a nice guy; we met shortly after my first Stoker win. I aspire to write like Jonathan Maberry.

When Chong made to sit down next to her, Lilah drew her knife and stabbed the point into the earth between them. "I can see that you need some quiet time," he said and scuttled quickly away.

When you have to kill the same terrorist twice in one week, then there's either something wrong with your skills or something wrong with your world. And there's nothing wrong with my skills.

Suddenly all those careful preparations disintegrated as predators far more dangerous than the walking dead proved what all wise killers already knew: that nothing was more dangerous than living men.

A wise man once said that we can't make anyone feel or do anything. We can throw things into the wind, but it's up to each person to decide how they want to react, where they want to stand when things fall.

It's just that I'm fifteen, and I have this crazy idea I might actually have a life in front of me. I don't see how it's going to do me much good to believe that the world is over and this is just an epilogue.

When my writing career took off, it was pretty easy to keep my ego in check because old-school martial arts isn't about ego gratification. It's about maintaining a balanced view of the world and your place in it.

'Bad Blood' tells the story of Trick, a teenage slacker on the losing side of a fight with cancer. When he's attacked by a vampire, he figures it's game over. Except that the chemo drugs in Trick's blood poison the vampire.

Chong said, 'Do yourself a favor, Morg. Next time you're staring at a girl's boobs, look up. You'll be shocked to learn it, but there's going to be a face up there. Nose, mouth, eyes. And behind the eyes is an actual person.

When people ask me about what I learned from martial arts, I don't talk about favorite punches or kicks, or about fights won or lost. I talk about learning self-discipline, about ethics and manners and benevolence and fairness.

Basher shook his head. "No, we climbed in through a ground-floor guest bedroom all ninja-like. Snuck up the back stairs." "Then you might be the cavalry," said Tom, "but I'm Santa Claus. Let's go downstairs and open some presents.

Sometimes people say terrible things when they're scared. They don't mean to, but they can't help it. They lash out because if they can see that their words hurt someone else, it makes them feel as if they aren't completely powerless.

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