Books are a time machine.

I'm a big, big, big techno dork.

I'm not a big fan of visual effects.

I was a big Batman fan when I was a kid.

I'm fascinated by artificial intelligence.

Every man is a mob, a chain gang of idiots.

If you're good at something, never do it for free.

How can you forgive if you can’t remember to forget?

I believe we should be good custodians of the Earth.

I'm a big believer in practical and location photography.

I love crime procedurals. I always have. I love cop shows.

I've always been interested in themes of memory, paranoia, and revenge.

We live in a moment in history in which our privacy may not be important.

I don't think anyone really understands why a show works or why it doesn't.

Time is an absurdity. An abstraction. The only thing that matters is this moment.

None of us like violence in the real world, but we're fascinated with it onscreen.

To me, Joss Whedon is a god. I'm just a huge fan of his work; I love his work on TV.

The thing about working on a TV show is that it becomes, very quickly, all consuming.

TV is, as I'm discovering now, a marathon. You have to keep going and going and going.

For a few minutes of every day, every man becomes a genius. This is the tragedy of life.

I often want to go to the movies and see something that transports you beyond the infinite.

When you have a smartphone, the things that it can do are kind of ridiculous and terrifying.

One of the things with our show is posing a lot of questions, but getting a lot of answers too.

We are the only instrument for understanding the universe. We have to ground it in human beings.

Wormholes are a gravitational phenomena. Or imaginary gravitational phenomena, as the case may be.

Believing the lie that time will heal all wounds is just a nice way of saying that time deadens us.

I don't like things I work on to have political didacticism - there are questions, but not messages.

It's always gratifying to hear that people are excited by something that you've been excited to make.

In terms of long-term durable storage, the human mind, paradoxically, is pretty good, but it's very fragile.

I'm a big gamer. I know the lead time and how long it takes to develop a game and how hard it is to get it right.

My earliest memories are making little Super 8 films - or watching my brother make stop-motion space spectaculars.

People are fascinated, for whatever reason, by human drama, and the idea that cameras are capturing ambient stories.

I'm a big believer in pose some questions and then answer a few of them before you move onto the next set of questions.

We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars. Now we just look down, and worry about our place in the dirt.

I consider my job as a screenwriter to pack a script with possibilities and ideas - to create a feast for the filmmaker to pick from.

I'm a big fan of the Mass Effect games, and that's all about social manipulation and observing people and alliances and relationships.

I grew up watching 'Magnum, P.I.' and shows like that, where you could develop a character over eight seasons, with stories along the way.

I thought it would be an enormous amount of fun to make a movie that heads out into space, which is something that we had never done before.

Mankind's expectations have to be greater than ourselves and that the further out there we go, the more we find out that it's about you and me.

Time eventually convinces most of us that forgiveness is a virtue. Conveniently, cowardice and forgiveness look identical at a certain distance.

It can be easy for an actor to go "Well I really have to do a lot" and then just saying "I don't need to do anything, I'm not bound to do anything".

I'm hoping that the suspension of the space program is just that, a suspension, and that it's not the final say in the matter, because I think we need it.

I always love it best when you have a project where there is this commingling of the subject matter and the way in which you're recording that subject matter.

I'm not affiliated with either Wikileaks or Anonymous - of course, it's not like I would tell you anyway if I were because the whole point is to be anonymous.

Television is very different than working on film. With films, you get to develop a set of characters, and then, at the end of the film, you have to throw them away.

I think that we, as human beings, always need to conquer our fears and reach beyond our grasp and I think it's very important that we don't become complacent or stagnant.

I was struck by - Einstein's a fascinating figure who didn't have any instruments that he used, he didn't use telescopes, he used his mind to try to understand the universe.

The secret to all drama, film, TV, or books - the thing that people respond to most, and the thing I find myself as a viewer feeling most interested in, is the idea of change.

Typically with HBO shows, the ninth episode often winds up being a big one and when lots of exciting stuff happens. And then the tenth one is the more placid, character-based one.

I've always loved shows that combine both approaches - that have a mythology and a set of characters, whose stories develop and change, and where the relationships evolve and fracture.

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