I love all kinds of different music.

Right now I really enjoy writing songs.

I always knew I wanted to be a musician.

It's an honor to win a Grammy, of course.

I feel so blessed, and God has been so good to me.

I think in the future I will end up doing a gospel album.

I'm glad I've learned what I've learned when I learned it.

Who I am musically I hope will just keep changing and changing.

But I needed to prove to everyone that I was a serious musician.

I have way too many songs that have music but don't have lyrics.

I think I've just gotten better at learning how to write a song.

It seemed at first that everybody was more concerned with my age.

I definitely have a firm, fixed idea of what compromise is for me.

I didn't just want to put something out that I wasn't satisfied with.

I see a lot of parents now who are really supporting their kids playing music.

My dad used to play drums in a country band, and my mom is an incredible singer.

Yeah, but Jesus is the most important thing to me and I want to be bold about it.

I wanted to have something that I was proud of and that I knew people would enjoy.

I'm glad I didn't know certain things earlier, because then it wouldn't be any fun.

I think it's like everything you do is just a reflection of who you are as an artist.

It's just satisfying for me to be able to write kind of like a finished, nice product.

I've literally become comfortable with approaching whatever style of music at any time.

When I began my career, I was constantly referred to as the kid who could play the blues.

I have an awesome church home and an awesome Pastor down in L.A., and I couldn't be happier.

Well, I got married about two and a half years ago, and that's been a big change in my life.

Some of my influences are black gospel artists so I definitely want to do a soul-gospel type thing.

I really enjoy what I do and have been fortunate to pursue basically whatever I'm feeling at the time.

I don't want to sound arrogant or anything, but I just always knew that my career would be playing music.

And as I got older and played more, people began to forget about my age and took the music more seriously.

I've been getting into different gospel artists; Aretha Franklin is someone I've been listening to a lot of.

Well, people who are blues purist types are usually the most vocal and the ones that pop up on the websites.

Cause I enjoy both, I enjoy recording and playing live, but yeah, the rush of playing live is really something.

I moved from Minnesota out to Los Angeles and I thought I was going to hate it out there, but I really like it.

I think my favorite thing is the mystery of life - it makes you feel that much better about accomplishing something.

During a big rock show, you can flub a few things and nobody will hear it, because it gets buried under everything else.

Yeah, touring can get rough some times and draining, but I always have to pinch myself and realize that I'm doing what I love.

I've probably gone a month or two without playing guitar, just because I've gotten so burnt on it touring all year or whatever.

With the style of music that I do, I don't think it's at the top of their agenda to push me into doing any compromising material.

My parents had a huge pile of records - vinyl! - that I loved, especially the Motown stuff, Steely Dan, Stevie Wonder, Otis Redding.

I've been in fortunate position of never really having to battle with my record company to do the things I wanted to do in the studio.

I'm not a fast, stream-of-consciousness lyricist at all - I know some guys who are, and if there is one skill I wish I had, it's that.

You know, being able to, in my mind, have a song that you know doesn't really have any loose ends or you know, extra fat in it, so to speak.

Right, yeah, you know, my favorite thing just globally about music is just hopefully I'm able to be, you know, blessing the people in any way that I can.

Apparently, there's this whole set of disgruntled people but obviously it's not my intention to offend anyone by changing the style of music that I've done.

I hope that it can relate to and be a blessing to anybody, with the hope that someday they will find Jesus Christ to be the same God that I've found Him to be.

My passion is for playing music and although everyone needs a break sometimes just to keep things interesting and fresh, there's no way I would ever give that up.

Sometimes I'll get a burst when I write lyrics, it usually happens in 20 minutes and I'll write the whole song, and that's really the only way it feels comfortable.

If you get raised up having everything you want and then get put out in the world and try to live your own life, you've never had anything to train you how to live.

I think you have to know exactly what you want. Whether you want to be a guitar player or a musician, you have to be really focused on it if you really want to do it.

I think the people at my record label know I'm a Christian and again, I've been really blessed that I've never had to get into a head-butt war over moral standards or anything like that.

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