I'm probably my biggest critic.

Real Madrid are a team of winners.

Football is a lot to do with mentality.

I do whatever the manager tells us to do, really.

It's not about individuals; it's all about team work.

Play like a champ. Win like a champ. Act like a champ.

When you win or lose, no-one dies: you win, or you lose.

Spain are a fantastic team and fantastic squad of players.

It's in the DNA of Liverpool Football Club to win trophies.

Whether you win or lose, you need to stay on a level platform.

I don't think I'll ever be another Steven Gerrard, to be honest!

United have some world-class players with a world-class manager.

My favourite meal is probably chicken with penne pasta and pesto.

Coventry was a big part of my career, and I had a great time there.

When it comes to football I think it's vital you always enjoy playing.

Ryan Giggs and David Beckham were the two players I've always looked up to.

I've always played with a high intensity anyway. That's how I've always been.

In my opinion, there is no better place to be for a footballer than Liverpool.

At Sunderland, if I had a bad game, it wasn't like it was the end of the world.

I always say, whether it's Liverpool or England, it's not just me who is a leader.

You are always having to prove something in football whether you are flying or not.

It's important everyone knows their roles individually and collectively as a group.

I knew I had to try and win trophies and be successful and be a big player for Liverpool.

When you come to a club like Liverpool, you need to perform straight away and consistently.

You need people who are vocal on the pitch to give information at different times of the game.

You give everything; sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but you always have to move on quickly.

If you're winning games, the confidence flows, and you gain a rhythm, which I've experienced before.

I want to improve every season, every training session. I'll continue that until I finish my career.

I get in the gym and put the work in with the fitness coaches so I can be the best shape I can be in.

I have been in tournaments before where people would say, 'England should win this game,' and we didn't.

It is about winning a trophy. It doesn't make any difference to me who lifts it; I would just rather win.

As players, you've got to keep improving, keep learning, keep playing well to get your place in the team.

As a player, you want to win every game. That's what footballers do: they want to play, and they want to win.

The physical part of football has always been a massive part of my game so I can cover the ground during games.

I've always been athletic - did the 100 metres and 1500 m at school, cross-country races - and did well in them.

Sometimes I can be a little bit cautious in keeping the ball, playing a safe pass rather than an adventurous one.

When you play for Liverpool and England, you have good players around you, and you want to compete with the best.

I came to Liverpool wanting to stay here for the rest of my career. I certainly didn't want to leave after a year.

For me, Raheem Sterling is a fantastic player, and he's been brilliant for England. I hope he will stay at Liverpool.

There are always those moments in football - and life in general - which can decide the path and the route you go down.

People have to fear England and not want to play us. The only way of doing that is to play at a high tempo and win games.

I'm a big believer in having to go through hard times to get to where you want to be. Nothing comes easy. You have to work.

Some people might say I'm old at 28, but I look at someone like James Milner. He's 32 and playing like he is 25 or something.

Sad to hear of Paul Scholes retirement! One of the best midfielders to grace the Premiership! Idolised him for years! Legend.

United are capable of setting up a low block and making it difficult, but they're also capable of coming out and pressing high.

I don't like reading good things about myself. With the criticism and the negative things, I always think that makes me better.

Criticism's healthy. It gives you that extra little bit inside you to prove people wrong, to use it as energy, to use it as fuel.

I have just been a bit inconsistent when I have played. That happens in football, especially when you have been out for a long period.

I love to get to Dubai. It's an impressive place, and you can do lots of different things there - beach, shopping, and other fun things.

At Liverpool and England, it's about moving forward and going in the right direction, and you don't want to be left behind by any means.

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