All writing is dreaming

Reality favors symmetry.

Life itself is a quotation.

Everything touches everything.

Writing is only a guided dream.

Each thing implies the universe.

Death is just infinity closing in.

Democracy is an abuse of statistics.

Censorship is the mother of metaphor.

Only in the present do things happen.

The sea is an idiom I cannot decipher.

Man's memory shapes Its own Eden within

Canada is so far away it hardly exists.

Every man should be capable of all ideas.

The time for your labor has been granted.

Truth never penetrates an unwilling mind.

Reality is not always probable, or likely.

Time is the substance of which we are made

Doubt is one of the names of intelligence.

A writer's work is the product of laziness.

Poets, like the blind, can see in the dark.

May Heaven exist, even if my place is Hell.

Life and death have been lacking in my life.

Writing is nothing more than a guided dream.

All literature, is, finally autobiographical.

What a writer wants to do is not what he does.

Time, which despoils castles, enriches verses.

Don't talk unless you can improve the silence.

The original is unfaithful to the translation.

The mind was dreaming. The world was its dream.

I cannot sleep unless I am surrounded by books.

Soccer is popular because stupidity is popular.

Besides, rereading, not reading, is what counts.

I have always come to life after coming to books.

In my next life I will try to commit more errors.

La duda es uno de los nombres de la inteligencia.

Time forks perpetually toward innumerable futures.

The central problem of novel-writing is causality.

Time is a fire that consumes me, but I am the fire.

A . . . poet is a discoverer rather than an inventor.

From my weakness, I drew strength that never left me.

Reality is partial to symmetry and slight anachronisms

It only takes two facing mirrors to build a labyrinth.

Creativity is suspended between memory and forgetting.

In general, every country has the language it deserves.

Time is the tiger that devours me, but I am that tiger.

I have known uncertainty: a state unknown to the Greeks.

The future is as irrevocable as an inflexible yesterday.

How can we manage to illuminate the pathos of our lives?

A labyrinth of symbols... An invisible labyrinth of time.

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