Time to the face the music.

Fear of change was a weakness

Hello, Doctor. It's your man.

I always root for the monster.

I'm an angel not a frickin' saint.

He [Vishous] was all need, no ease.

Put on your big girl pants and deal.

Vampire porn does not go out of style.

When I want you to beg, I'll tell you.

Next time say my name. You'll come more

Life has gotten in the way of our life.

One shot. That was all you got. - Isaac

Qhuinn wanted to scream... Yes he has!!!

You want to poof it or ride back with me?

The Destroyer has arrived and you are he.

Look upon me, Mistress. Watch as I wither!

You are the sweetest thug I've ever known.

Life is such a glorious trauma, is it not?

you told me I could beat him. You promised.

Too late Bella. Now, it's too late. Show me.

Pull up your big girl panties and just do it.

Even the powerful needed protection sometimes.

You will not live through this if she does not

How can something so . . . huge happen so fast?

A book unopened alters not the ink on it's pages

In the center was a tiny handprint in red paint.

Destiny had a 518 area code..who knew." - Ehlena

You don't know this yet. But you are Mine - Wrath

i am... absolutely destroyed at the loss. (--manny)

It...is for me?" "Aye. So what say you, lover mine.

To his mind, free will was a privilege, not a right.

You are in a prison with no bars. I worry about you.

I'm not hurt. I'm pissed off and sexually frustrated.

He was having an illicit affair... with his own mate.

Bad deeds like beauty, are in the eye of the beholder.

If sex were food, Rhage would have been morbidly obese.

To be denied was like getting shut out of a Public Park.

Jane: Focus is important. V: Only if you're a microscope.

I love you. You are my heart beating outside of my chest.

I have no words. Sixteen languages, but no words. -Vishous

You never realized how thick your fog was until it lifted.

Have I mentioned you are the hottest geek I've ever known ?

And love … love was worth dying for. Worth living for, too.

Ah, now, don't get all mushy on me. We ain't dating." Butch

Turned out Qhuinn was a snuggler. Who knew—and how fabulous.

V?" "What?" "I will die rather than hurt you." ~Vutch moments~

Cause nothing said lovin' like a shitload of motion detectors.

The weight of the dead was heavier than the pounds of the body.

Phury nodded. "And if she lives with us, we get to keep the cat.

Tore up from the floor up. Followed by a big outtie. John Mathew

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