Death is not my best subject.

With failure, you just try again.

Remember to be as smart as you are.

I like the way the old Toyotas look.

John Hurt was incredible to work with.

I took all the philosophy courses I could.

Alien's a great one. That's a scary movie.

Sweets, you couldn't ignore me if you tried.

Stagecoach is really my first Western, actually.

I like being a villain. Villains are more exciting.

As a kid I had a crush on Sophia Loren and Raquel Welch.

As a kid, I had a crush on Sophia Loren and Raquel Welch.

Paul Gleason he was a great guy. I loved working with him.

It's a profession where merit is not necessarily rewarded.

There was no one really like John Bender at my high school.

Screws fall out all the time, the world is an imperfect place.

I like Chicago. It's a great city. It's always fun to revisit it.

Ice-T was just a pleasure to work with. He was a smart gentleman.

I wasn't Santa in Santa Jr., but I was Santa in Cancel Christmas.

Ice T was just a pleasure to work with. He was a smart gentleman.

It is a career of make-believe, of masks. We all have masks in life.

I am very grateful to make my living doing what I would do for free.

I play a garbage man who moonlights as a stand-up comedian. Terrible.

I got to play Santa, too. It's really important to play Santa, you know.

My first love is acting on stage. A sitcom is a hybrid of stage and film.

It's great to work with people that you like, any job, no matter what you do.

Heroes always make the right decision; I find that seldom happens in my life.

You know who was wonderful to work with? Was Paul Gleason, may he rest in peace.

I went to acting school in New York City for two years. I studied with Stella Adler

I was trained by Stella Adler for theater so you kind of give it all on every take.

My first paid acting job was a movie called Fandango. It also starred Kevin Costner.

I went to acting school in New York City for two years. I studied with Stella Adler.

A fancy watch, it's completely unnecessary. I just need a watch to tell the right time.

I put less stock in others' opinions than my own. No one else's opinions could derail me.

When I was in college, all the pretty women were in the theatre, so I auditioned for a play.

Breakfast Club was great because we had a real rehearsal, and we shot primarily in sequence.

My closest friend is canine. I have precious few close friends, and most of them are not actors

[Kevin] Costner said, "You don't have to do that... this is a wide shot, so you can calm down."

My closest friend is canine. I have precious few close friends, and most of them are not actors.

All of the directors I've worked with I have loved and would work with again. I have no favorites.

Young alienation, disappointment and heartache is all a part of the first real growing up that we do.

Trace Adkins doesn't talk too much, but when he does he's got great stories. He's lived a great life.

Adam Sandler is a really funny guy in real life. Separate from all of the movies, that is a funny man.

I find it very difficult to relax. I find it increasingly difficult to find outlets for my frustration.

The movie that's had the most effect on me is Jaws. To this day when I'm in the ocean, I'm hearing that music.

I have adopted clothes from all the projects I'm in. It's really been a while since I've bought anything myself.

In a good script, it's really like a treasure map. You just focus on that, all the answers are pretty much in it.

[John Hurt] just really gifted, and I had a great time working with him and [am] very lucky to have worked with him.

[John] Hughes was open to that [rehearsal]. This can only happen if the director and/or the writer are open to that.

[St. Elmo's Fire] it was pretty soon after that. I know we didn't do Breakfast Club knowing we were going to do that.

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