I pretty much grew up in public.

It's fun to stay at the Y! M! C! A!

I always feel like a goofy little kid.

Fundamentally women and men are different.

Seeing other people in pain causes me pain.

Theater is like going to the gym for actors.

My regular school didn't know what to do with me!

The true test of a relationship is traveling together.

I actually have this fantasy of giving up my cell phone.

Theater makes working in movies or TV seem like a cake-walk.

I never think of myself as an actor who takes work home with them.

If Beyonce needs another back up dancer, I mean, I could make time.

Julia Roberts taught me how to knit on the set of 'Mona Lisa Smile.'

Sometimes I have these abstract ideas and then lose track of myself.

I like analyzing human behavior. It's complex. That's what keeps me going.

Compared to film or television, theater is more interactive, collaborative.

Make yourself useful, not just on a day to day basis, but as a lifetime thing.

Yoga has stopped me from destroying my joints after running. It slows me down.

I worked regularly from very early on, and some of it was probably a bit premature.

I took the role of Ophelia in Hamlet because she is so naive, loving, and innocent.

I was in the video for Cyndi Lauper's 'Sally's Pigeons' when I first started acting.

I become so sentimental on planes: I could be watching 'Bridesmaids' and start crying.

Whatever its origin, I'd like to see a cure for the Incredibly Shrinking Actress phenomena.

In my early career, I look at that time as a series of trial and error and learning as I go.

I am forever grateful that I got some training in the theater - it reduces performance anxiety.

I am ambidextrous. I write with my right hand but played basketball in high school with my left.

I don't naturally have a good metabolism, but I am lucky in that I am naturally drawn to healthy food.

I think Latin guys are really sexy. They generally fit into that whole tall, dark, and handsome thing.

I am forever a romantic. I try to bring that into my work. I try not to be fooled by romance. Or work.

I think that ultimately I just have to be myself. You know, I don't do anything that outlandish anyway.

I feel like I have a skill set, but every experience is different and there's always room for improvement.

It's not my job to critique the writing. I'm there to serve it. I had to figure out a way to make it work.

I'm slowly working up the courage to sing in front of other people, but I can carry a tune. I do some mean karaoke.

I've always been fascinated with the idea of people paying for sex and what goes on with that and why that happens.

Even after such milestones as Kathryn Bigelow winning an Oscar, there still seem to be few women in leadership roles.

I like a director that encourages me to be playful. I don't really like being restricted or controlled by a director.

In my worst moments, I try to think about loving instead of hating. Creation versus destruction, know what I'm sayin'?

It actually makes perfect sense why women in Hollywood get so skinny: because it's a way of controlling how people see you.

My mother always taught me to think about things from other people's perspectives and think about where they're coming from.

I would give anything to sit down with my maternal grandmother and have a cup of tea and play Scrabble. She died 10 years ago.

My parents always stressed finding some sort of creative outlet, so they would take me to dance classes, take me to jazz clubs.

So I am happy to have fans, especially if it enables me to keep working. And I am really grateful when people respond to my work.

The only thing that gets me through any type of pain, emotional or physical, is to make it worthwhile by putting it into my work.

I wear everything from hip-hop baggy pants to beautiful Armani dresses. I also like to mix vintage clothing with designer pieces.

I’ve really turned a corner recently in terms of not taking work too seriously, so it is much easier for me to not take my work home.

Some of the best projects I've worked on - 'Dexter,' the 'Bourne' series - were leaps of faith. I couldn't read the scripts in advance.

The thing with the Bourne movies is that they're so big in scope and the production value is so high and it takes so much organization.

I love podcasts! I wish I had my own, although I think there are already too many podcasts, so I don't know how I would create a new one.

I was happy when I read the script [The Bourne Ultimatum ] - the first version they sent me - to see that before, there's some humanity too.

One minute, I really am in awe of filmmakers, and I want to be working in film, and then the next minute, I get the itch to get back on stage.

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