Ryan Reynolds is an artistic man.

Knowing that I inspire kids - it's a great feeling.

If you wanna make a lot of money, you should hire me.

If your dreams aren't challenging, they're not really a dream.

There isn't just one kind of person that can play a superhero.

I love 'Whale Rider.' That's one of my favorite films of all time.

New Zealand - it's very tight-knit, and everyone knows each other.

I want to tackle the award-winning films. I want to be seen as an actor-actor.

It'll be really cool to do, like, a solo film, a Firefist movie. I don't know if it would happen.

I had fun playing a mutant. I never thought I would. Like, I never in my wildest dreams thought I would.

I want to do directing and acting. I can do them at the same time - it's a challenge, but it's my dream.

That's what I love about the film industry: that you meet so many new people, and you can travel the world.

'Deadpool' is a quirky universe, which is all about being outside of the box, unlike a normal superhero film.

We have got amazing filmmakers in New Zealand with amazing stories to tell, and I want to keep being a part of that.

Ricky Baker is very different to me. You could see some similarities, but he's a little rebel. He's a rebellious kid.

It would be a really great to do a Marvel film - not even playing a superhero: just being part of that universe would be amazing.

After our first week of filming 'Deadpool 2,' Blake Lively got me a candle. It smells really good, and it said, 'To Firefist' on it.

As a young Maori actor, I don't want to be seen as a child star; I want to be seen as a serious actor and an actor who can change the world.

I'm just this kid from New Zealand, to be honest. My life has changed, but I'm still that same kid, and I don't think that will ever change.

I would like to be an actor, but I really would like to be a director of feature films. That's what I want to be when I grow up. I want to make films.

Taika asked me to do 'Hunt for the Wilderpeople' in 2014, and I was like, 'Yeah, I am keen. I'd really enjoy it.' I didn't have to audition. It was quite cool.

Before I found out you couldn't get bitten by a radioactive spider and shoot webs out of your wrist, I wanted to be a superhero when I grew up - until I was, like, 8.

What's with the whole 'child actor' and 'teen actor' thing? You're either an actor or actress, or you're not. I don't get it! I want to be taken seriously as an actor.

I've realised that it is pretty awesome that people recognise you - but you've also got to keep grounded. I do miss being able to just walk down the street with my friends.

You can't really do comedy if you're working with Ryan Reynolds, eh? He outplays everyone in that field, so I couldn't really 'dial it down,' because he was just so much better than me at comedy.

For me, playing a chubby or fat superhero was so special because I would go and watch these movies with my friends and would never see anyone like me. I am excited to be that for other kids who look like me.

To be honest, 'Jurassic Park' was before my time. I was super into the superhero movies and stuff. Mum and Dad, they were like, 'Sam Neill - honey, do you know who that is?' I'm like, 'No. I'll Google him.' He's the nicest person and a big kid.

The hardest thing is when you're in public, and you need to go to the toilet, and someone asks for a photo. And their phone is either flat, dead, or they've turned it off completely. You're trying to rush to the toilet, and they want your autograph - and I hate saying no, I feel so bad.

'Deadpool' is its own thing, and it's very quirky, breaks out the box, and doesn't follow the rules of normal superhero movies, so it was really important for me to show that kids that look like me, who are chubbier than other kids, that they can be the hero they want - it was a dream of mine to be a superhero, and it's come true.

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