My soul is fine, thanks.

I'm full of contradictions.

I'm definitely a cult artist.

I'm not a very good advice-giver.

I find myself a fascinating subject.

Everything's been a struggle for me.

Popular culture is filled with girls.

A lot of my past is gone from my mind.

I like people wanting to know about me.

I'm kind of an emotional exhibitionist.

My first guitar was a Gibson Challenger.

A heart that hurts is a heart that works.

I'm able to see humor in a lot of things.

I was just dying to get out of my twenties.

People are complex. I'm just showing my complexity.

How can I shield myself from the things that I hear?

Human relations, I mess them up, and they let me down.

I like visiting LA, but I wouldn't want to live there.

I never really expected to win the hearts of the masses.

The way I see it, all the popular singers are strippers.

All I'm trying to do is to keep going and keep evolving.

Writing helps me process things that are happening to me.

I've finally learned to love my voice for its uniqueness.

I am not dead inside. I still care about right and wrong.

The most rabidly religious people are the most rabidly evil.

If you do things when you're burned out, it'll make you bitter.

I'm a damaged person, but I have hope and a will to not give up.

I see a long lost home in his eyes. He sees a nice hotel in mine.

I tend to fall for the archetypal, talented, charismatic rock boy.

Baseball is more than a game. It's like life played out on a field.

The first kiss between two people is something really good in life.

I don't believe songs that try to say everything in a simple slogan.

My songs are about not knowing who to be and not knowing how to act.

The whole thing about rock music, pop music, is it's really for kids.

I get a little sick of myself as a solo artist. I get a little bit bored.

I love 'Crazy Horse,' and Neil Young is one of my favorite guitar players.

You find yourself approaching middle age, playing another scuzzy rock club.

You think you know who you are and then other people have these other ideas.

I've always been a loner, and I've spent most of my life as a single person.

I'm really conflicted about my role as a front-person. I hate the attention.

I don't need a mirror to see that it's true, cause I'm ugly with a capital U.

I make music and I can't stop. It's a compulsion and an obsession and a curse.

I've been embarrassing myself publicly for over 20 years. Why should I stop now?

I have many moods, and there is no objective reality. And I kind of live by that.

It makes me feel good to have some comforting effect on someone that needs comfort.

If life is a performance, and I am not an actor, am I supposed to lie down and die?

To make big steps, you've got to take action yourself and not listen to other people.

People make such a big deal about how people in bands look, especially if you're a girl.

Keanu Reeves is, like, the worst actor I've ever seen. I can't believe he's a movie star.

What happens when your dream comes true - when the spotlight is on and then it moves away?

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