[My childhood was ] spiritual than religious.

African-American people adore President Obama.

Young African - millennials really love Barack Obama.

I think that ranked-choice voting makes a lot of sense.

We didn't hold President Obama as accountable as we might have.

If people don't know about you, that's not on them, it's on you.

Voting is not the most you can do; it's really the least you can do.

People have been unhappy for a long time about the two-party system.

I am addicted to the printed word, and my idea of a good time is a good book.

Some of the federal programs to help homeowners were never fully implemented.

When Ronald Reagan became president, students could no longer get food stamps.

I don't regret my votes for President Obama by any stretch of the imagination.

[Barack Obama] might say more about these rogue cops and their license to kill.

If past behavior is any indication, Donald Trump's behavior would not be acceptable.

President [Barack] Obama's pick of Arne Duncan as Secretary of Education was abysmal.

African-Americans have rarely been the beneficiaries of Presidential rhetorical excess.

Bernie Sanders has the momentum, and I think that that's something that we can't ignore.

History belongs to she who holds the pen...If we don't tell our stories, they won't be told.

There's no great, white bigot; there's just about 200 million little white bigots out there.

If the Muslim community in Michigan comes out strongly, I think they will make a difference.

Tavis Smiley lost lots of corporate support after he was critical of President [Barack] Obama.

George W. Bush is evil. He is a terrorist. He is evil. He is arrogant. And he is out of control.

One of the challenges, I think, is that Americans are not sufficiently vested in foreign policy.

Always firmly believing in a higher power, I have also always been in search of a spiritual peace.

I am not afraid of anything. I am voting for Hillary Clinton because I am excited and enthusiastic.

Bernie Sanders just seems to not have the personality to engage with people at the grassroots level.

[Barack Obama] intended, I think, to say that he took Trayvon's [ Martin] death somewhat personally.

I do know that, you know, Donald Trump has a global portfolio, and many global investors are in Russia.

When public policy is directed toward urban spaces, it is directed toward people who sit at the margins.

I describe myself as a "spiritual sampler," raised Catholic, been Baptist, Methodist, and a Unity member.

Ronald Reagan's attack on people who receive public assistance was partially an attack on people of color.

We have a very large military community - veterans and others - who basically do believe in the militarism.

I do know that there are down-ballot people who have run on the Green Party, and some have been successful.

You have a lot of young people who still feel somewhat marginalized, even if they do vote for Hillary Clinton.

I've talked to dozens of Chicagoans who will only go off the record in talking about the manufactured mythology.

In trying times, I like to remember that you have to keep walking because you can't see what is around the corner.

Lots of African-American people really so adore Barack Obama that they're unwilling to even be mildly critical of him.

I like to think that life lessons are learned and re-learned every day and take on importance at different times in life.

While the banks got big bailouts, a sizeable chunk of African-American wealth evaporated because so many people lost homes.

Trayvon Martin could have been any of our sons, so I was not especially moved by that remark of President [Barack] Obama's.

The published record will show that many in Chicago have mixed feedback on the President's [Barack Obama] role as organizer.

Frankly, I'd love to see a multiparty system, like we have in some of our European countries. But I'm not sure how to get there.

The Task Force didn't produce any earth-shattering findings but it suggests that this matter is on the president's radar screen.

Don't believe the hype that black North Carolinians are not voting. We've heard this time and time again. It's just not the truth.

The president [Barack Obama] did introduce a jobs bill that could not clear Congress. The Republicans simply would not work with him.

People will be talking about the [Barack] Obama legacy for decades, and I wanted to include my voice in the analysis of this presidency.

The voter problems and voter suppression, in some ways they're the same thing, but in some ways they're not, because the suppression is evil.

This was in 2004, and it told me that President [Barack] Obama intended to be very careful and noncontroversial in addressing race matters. I

Indeed, as soon as he took office, Senator Mitch McConnell announced that his top priority was to deny President [Barack] Obama a second term.

The economy is better than the one President [Barack] Obama inherited, and unemployment is lower, but the unemployment rate gap remains large.

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