I love pets, especially dogs.

I'm an absolutely normal guy.

I don't think I'm an unlucky person.

I'm really a normal football manager.

Crazy players love me. I don't know why.

Only stupid people are changed by success.

FC Liverpool is the best club in the world.

I am not a dreamer. I am a football romantic.

I was a fighting machine with a will of iron.

It is my job to help the players react better.

Life is too short not to celebrate nice moments!

You can sleep between lessons but not during them.

My biggest skill is common sense. I understand life.

I didn't take many penalties, but I never missed one.

In England, you have stadiums in the middle of the city.

I don't feel too much pressure. I only see an opportunity.

Football is a game you cannot play without making mistakes.

He is really something. I love him. He is Sir Arsene Wenger.

I'm pretty positive, optimistic, so I always expect the best.

I have no problem if someone wants to hug me - if I know him!

One of biggest rules in football is you have to avoid crosses.

Fighting football, not serenity football - that is what I like.

The best football is always about expression of emotion. Always.

In Germany, they all thought I was a bit mental, very emotional.

Winning the title in England is the biggest challenge of them all.

We don't want people to leave the stadium until the game finishes.

Louis van Gaal is one of the most successful managers in the world.

There is a place in the net where the keeper cannot reach the ball.

That's what you live for as a sportsman. You have to put up a fight.

People should not make me out to be like Jesus; I don't walk on water.

I am not saying I am the best manager in the world. But I'm quite good.

My experience is listen, see, feel - and then think about what you change.

To be successful, you need results in a row. You can't win, lose, win, lose.

Anyone can have a good day, but you have to be able to perform on a bad day.

It's absolutely normal that different human beings want to go different ways.

There is something special which rides on a game between Liverpool and United.

I was a very average player and became a trainer in Germany with a special club.

I'm not a one-man show. I was never that in my life, and I never want to be that.

If you watch me during the game, I celebrate when we press the ball and it goes out.

If you lose a game, everyone asks why this player didn't play. If we win, nobody asks.

I only change things where I know about a situation. I'd never change just for change.

I am a normal guy from the Black Forest, and I do not compare myself with the geniuses.

What is Champions League level? I saw a lot of rubbish games at Champions League level.

I didn't take many penalties but I never missed one. You just need to stick to your plan.

Basketball. I love it. I can't believe these giants move like kids. They are so flexible.

Money isn't the most important thing. It is important, of course. I am not Mahatma Gandhi.

If you are full of motivation as a player, if you are full of concentration, I am open arms.

I love football and the intensity of football in Liverpool, this is what is very good for me.

I understand aggressiveness in only one way: being prepared to hurt yourself, not someone else.

The intensity of the football and how the people live football in Liverpool - it is not a usual.

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