I absolutely love VR.

'Futurama' is this awesome, animated sci-fi show.

I love the joy in the improvisational creative process.

When you kind of don't care, for some reason, that's when things happen.

There are very few VR games with really strong characters and voice acting.

My secret to comedy is don't offend anybody. Don't offend anybody ever. That's my secret.

We would never do anything for the sole purpose of bumming people out or upsetting people.

Definitely that's the worst, to discover that something you're doing has already been done.

Stuttering and trying to find your thoughts, the imperfections make the performances better.

The first 'Interdimensional Cable' episode is amazing because it's filled with such absolute drunken nonsense.

The biggest thing you can do in VR that you can't really do in non-VR games is a huge focus on exploration and interaction.

If you cast really funny, talented people and let them do what they need to do, they're going to hit a home run for you without a script.

You can have an absolute laugh-out-loud-till-you're-crying game, but if it's not fun to play, if the mechanics aren't there, it doesn't matter.

I had a job on a Spike TV show called 'Fresh Baked Video Games.' I was the animation producer/kind of a writer, but I couldn't get anything through.

I would probably struggle a bit more with a really dramatic serious-intent story. You have to really bring it. My brain is so comically wired, though.

I'm just insane. So what usually drives me is pure joy for something stupid. I'm also very visual. I'll have an idea in my head that I really can't shake.

With video games, imagine it's not locked - it's a TV show people can reach in and do this and do that, and you need to have dialog for all of that stuff.

Anybody in animation today would be lying if they said they weren't somehow influenced by 'The Simpsons' to a certain degree. Except for the shows that go out of their way to look as far from 'The Simpsons' as possible.

Tonally, the stuff I want to do in VR will, of course, always have a comedic backbone and be a bit absurdist and colorful with really interesting and bizarre characters but supported by really strong gameplay mechanics.

The goal for us to do with Squanchtendo is to approach all of our projects with a goal of adding interesting characters, personality, and a story to interact with in-game. Every game we make will be built from the ground up for whatever hardware it will launch on.

I know, on 'Rick and Morty,' we had the time where they unfreeze time, and they're in trouble because of it. The time starts splitting. That episode, we got a little too focused on 'how,' the hows and the science behind it, and oh my God, it was - it was spiraling us for sure.

In 2006 or something, I was recording the voices for this short, 'The Real Animated Adventures of Doc and Mharti.' I was having fun doing these really crappy Doc Brown and Marty McFly impressions. During the middle of a line, a burp came out naturally. It was just so funny and gross.

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