I want a big wedding.

I've been on reality TV since I was 23.

I think dating apps are keeping us apart.

I've never done drag, but I'd love to try it.

Hollywood, at the bottom of it, is about money.

Often, men forget to buy their grooming supplies.

My background is in social work and psychotherapy.

I have been a proud, openly gay man since I was 18.

Parents don't even know what's going on on Snapchat.

My first job ever was, I got hired by Oprah Winfrey.

My life is an open book. There is nothing to hide here.

I own about 70 L.A. Dodgers snapbacks in different colors.

Most of the time, people are afraid of silence, and I'm not.

I was a social worker most of my life while raising my two boys.

Unfortunately, a lot people still don't understand queer culture.

Being vulnerable is not a sign of weakness. It's a sign of strength.

Southern black gay and bi men are suffering from a self-esteem issue.

Gay men must be more effective caregivers to the women in their lives.

Fatherhood is an honor, and men should be strong enough to step up to the plate.

I don't like the term 'coming out' because it gives the power to the other person.

We live in a society that has a long history of not valuing people of color or women.

Yes, I would definitely let the 'Queer Eye' - I mean, cameras - follow me for my marriage.

Its rare to see a proud and out LGBT person win an Oscar in a lead or supporting actor role.

I will kick my best friend out of the way if RuPaul wants to stand next to me as my best man.

We're trying to get the world to see it's not always about the outside, it's about the inside.

There's a lot of 'how to adopt' books, but there's no practical resource for, say, school supplies.

I would say for our straight allies, your job is to listen and not judge. Then, listen and not act.

My household runs the same way it was with my parents, who were a mother and father with their kids.

Every show I've been on, my kids pay no attention. They're just like, 'Who cares. It's just dad's job.'

Any parent who says parenting came easily to them is not being honest with themselves. Parenting is hard.

It's important to learn how to have conversations with other people where it's not debating but discussing.

Most people have never been listened to, and they've never been asked questions that they want to be asked.

We have to continue to do the work, because we can't see people lose their lives over senseless gun violence.

My photo has nothing to do with the person I am, the dreams I have, the family I want to build, the family I'm from.

I have such a deeper respect for firemen knowing how much they get paid and how much they put themselves on the line.

What does culture mean? It's not a physical thing. I love a museum, but that, for me, doesn't make you a better person.

I think it's just so important that parents actually really study the apps on the phones and figure out what's going on.

For many gay and bisexual men of color, economic inequalities add to the pernicious effects of oppression and homophobia.

It is important to remember that if we treat people who could be allies as enemies, we can only alienate them from our cause.

My main thing is obviously mental health and well-being, and then my second passion would be politics; the third would be fashion.

I always had an ability to listen and give people the space to open up and express themselves, and I was hoping it would translate on TV.

When you break finances down in a way that kids can understand, it creates financial literacy that grows with them as they become adults.

I like walking into a home where each room has a slight scent that doesn't overpower the room and doesn't spread through the whole house.

It's been more than a decade since 'The Real World: Philadelphia' aired. I've grown up. My views have evolved, as has the media landscape.

That's the beauty of 'Queer Eye' coming back. No matter how far you think we've come as a society, there's still work that needs to be done.

Even when you look at, like, movies with some of our famous celebrities, they don't really cry and bring out their tears until, like, forced.

I know a lot of people who are depressed, and they walk around, and they're smiling every day, but no one's asking them how they're really doing.

Most people don't remember the guy from 'The Real World.' They know the guy who is a professional, a father, and a friend that gives great advice.

We must be vigilant in sharing our stories and our truths as queer parents of color at every chance we get if we hope to see art imitate real life.

Really, I think the extra layer of raising a son as a gay black man comes from trying to raise a son who doesn't subscribe to masculine stereotypes.

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