Fools fight; winners think.

Mr. Complete Lack of Sympathy

Stercus Accidit. [barren happens]

Come and take your seat, Lady Dorina.

Kiss me....Cassie....Like you mean it.

Great. I'd been dumped in Hell's waiting room.

I was alive, they were not. Go Me. (Touch the Dark)

Louis-Cesare. It's good to finally have you in hand.

The Lord Protector and his hair got off the elevator.

But you were Mine. My child. And I would not give you up.

War mages ordered, threatened and bitched. They didn't deal.

Pritkin and Mircea mixed like oil and water, only not so well.

It's about time! It's supposed to be a ritual, not a marathon.

They don’t eat that much.” “In comparison to what? Starving marines?

I’d never known that anyone could kiss in English, kiss in apologies.

Prevarication, how divine! I always did get along better with sinners.

To know Pritkin was to want to kill him, but so far I'd resisted temptation.

One day, you will say it to me again. You will be sober. And you will mean it.

No they called it the Codex Merlini because it was written by a guy named Ralph.

He’s a war mage. They’re almost impossible to kill.” He scowled. “Even on purpose.

I wasn't entirely sure, but a polite John Pritkin might be a sign of the apocalypse.

It's okay. You aren't my type. What's your type? Someone who gets into less trouble.

This was Dante's. Crazy was what we had for breakfast when we ran out of Corn Flakes

Thank you, Captain Obvious." "I'm on the Senate," he reminded me. "It's Lord Obvious.

If I'm not supposed to be awake, why are you here?" I mumbled. "To be the little spoon.

Country is based on folk music, which has been around for centuries—” “So has the plague.

There are things we want, and things we may have.... Sanity lies in knowing the difference.

Fresh blood at midnight isn't red. It's a purplish black that easily blends into the shadows.

You mean you let him talk to you like that and you aren't even getting any Man what a rip-off.

Where. Is. He?" Alphonse repeated, although it sounded more like "Don't make me eat your face.

I keep hitting [Escape], but I'm still here! --Unknown, but used by Karen Chance in "Hunt the Moon

He had the look of an atheist who’d just had a visit from God: stunned, disbelieving and faintly ill.

I’d been declared—over my loud and sustained protests—Pythia, the chief seer of the supernatural world.

..."I ran out of stock around midnight and dropped by a place, got some Chinese." I hoped he meant takeout.

Take them off!” I told him, grabbing the front of his jeans. “Take everything off!” “I’m trying!” “Try harder!

You know, dulceata, there are times when I truly believe you are the most frightening person I know. Thank you?

He wasn't that good looking, he had the social skills of a wet cat and the patience of a caffeinated hummingbird

Then you must be willing to fight," Mircea responded. "Life is not a gift, Raphael; it's a challenge. Rise to it!

Nobody said anything that time. Or maybe I just wasn’t listening. After all, someone had to keep an eye on the fridge.

We're going jogging." "I don't run for recreation. I run when someone's after me with a weapon." "That can be arranged.

I left it with a warmer,” he said drily. Because war mages ate their fried chicken frozen to the ground and they liked it.

So,high heels weren't a modern invention. I couldn't believe women had been putting up with these torture devices for centuries.

I thought there was a good chance the fridge was possessed. It was subtle about it, but I had its number. I knew its ways. Oh yes.

Think you can maybe not die for five minutes?" "I'll try,"I told him seriously. "You know, if anyone else said that, it would be funny.

Is there anyone in this apartment who hasn’t seen me naked?” I demanded, grabbing the sheet and the phone. “I genuinely hope so, Cassandra.

You could say I'm on the troubleshooting squad." "Troubleshooting?" He put a hand on the back of his waistband. "I see trouble and I shoot it.

And why not?” “You know why! This is a bad idea.” “Perhaps I like a challenge.” “Perhaps you’re a glutton for punishment!” “Perhaps I am in love.

Mess with my weed again and I’ll be informing Daddy that there was an early casualty on the mission.” I saw him wince at my designation for Mircea and grinned.

You decent?” I pulled the towel up a little higher. “Yes, if my wrinkled toes don’t offend.” Marco’s swarthy head popped around the doorjamb. “Naw, they’re cute.

The worst part was the silence. Death was supposed to be loud — gunshots, explosions, screams and thunder. Not this eerie quiet that wrapped around me like a shroud.

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