Gene Wilder is so funny.

We let the weirdness in.

Clowns are always creepy!

Every old sock meets an old shoe

I'm not vanishing into thin air.

I don't get out to parties often.

Everyone of us has a heaven inside.

I didn't dare let my mind wander off.

It's not my ambition to be a big star.

I think quotes are very dangerous things.

Being nervous actually kept me very tense.

Come up and be a kite, On a diamond flight!

I think it's important that things are flawed.

The more I think about sex, the better it gets!

Chips of plutonium are twinkling in every lung.

All we're ever looking for is another open door.

I work in a very contained environment, usually.

Don't ever think that you can't change the past.

Bang goes another kanga on the bonnet of the van

I don't listen to my old stuff very often at all.

It's not important to me that people understand me.

I love being with my friends, relaxing and talking.

People said I couldn't gig, and I proved them wrong.

Im the shyest megalomaniac youre ever likely to meet.

I'm the shyest megalomaniac you're ever likely to meet.

Clothes are such a strong part of who a human being is.

When your mother dies, you're not a little girl any more.

I definitely don't think of myself as being an influence.

Mozart didn't have Pro Tools, but he did a pretty good job.

Some of the best pop music ever has come out of the States.

All the time it's a changing And all the dreamers are waking.

Writing, film, sculpture, music: it's all make-believe, really.

Whenever I see the news, it's always the same depressing things.

When I was signed, that was before the punk thing even happened.

I'm quite a private person and I like my work to do the talking.

I will say it is great to have a woman in charge of the country.

I think snow is so evocative and has such a powerful atmosphere.

I want to be in a position where I can function as a human being.

What am I singing? A song of seeds The food of love. Eat the music.

What made it special made it dangerous, so I bury it... and forget.

Disappearing act? That's a magic trick, isn't it? I like magic tricks!

I knew I wanted it to be a piece of theatre rather than just a concert.

[Theresa May] is a very intelligent woman but I don't see much to fear.

I'm always hunting and prowling. I'm sure Brian [Bath] was exaggerating!

To say that you like music is a bit like saying youlike the whole world.

Thanks to everyone who's encouraged and supported my work over the years.

I haven't actually seen a Lady Gaga tour, but I do think she's very good.

Don't fall for a magic wand, we humans got it all, we perform the miracles.

I used to enjoy bad television, like really bad quiz programmes or sitcoms.

I spend a lot of my time looking at blue, The colour of my room and my mood.

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