I don’t know you, And you don’t know me. It is this that brings us together.

It's a real joy to be moved by something, but it doesn't happen often to me.

Just being alive It can really hurt These moments given Are a gift from time.

I am just a quiet reclusive person who has managed to hang around for a while.

There is a figure that is adored, but I'd question very strongly that it's me.

I've learned you can't take any steps to protect any art. It is so vulnerable.

Using telephones, they would be so intrusive and would really disrupt the show.

Sometimes people mishear my lyrics and think a song's about something it isn't.

As an artist, you're never happy with anything you do. It's part of the process.

They say that the Devil is a charming man. And just like you I bet he can dance.

We let it in, we give it out, and in the end what's it all about? It must be love.

The freedom you feel when you're actually in control of your own music is fantastic.

We used to say "Ah Hell, we're young" But now we see that life is sad And so is love.

[Theresa May] is very sensible and I think that's a good thing at this point in time.

I don't aim for perfection. But I do want to try and come up with something interesting.

My friends sometimes used to ignore me completely, and that would really upset me badly.

When I've heard a piece of music or seen a painting that moves me, it gives me something.

Whatever is going on in your life when you're writing has to somehow seep into your work.

When I'm a man, I will be an astronaut, and find Peter Pan on the second star on the right.

You'll never know that you had all of me. You'll never know the poetry you've stirred in me.

Bright, white coming alive jumping off of the aerial All the time it's a changing, like now.

As the people grow colder, I turn to my computer and spend my evenings with it like a friend.

The world is continually changing. I think in some ways it's changing in a very positive way.

My studio is a fantastic combination of old and new, and that's how I've always liked to work.

That doesn't matter. If it speaks to them and they get something positive from it, it's great.

I think that music is something that surpasses trends, fashions; music is something much deeper.

When you reach for a star, only angels are there. And it's not very far, just a step on a stair.

One of the main reasons for wanting to perform live again was to have contact with that audience.

Comedy is a very big part of the English culture, the sense of humor; it's a very dominant trait.

Normally I don't compromise at all but it felt important to give that song the chance to be heard.

However, if I ever were in a position to choose who would play me, I think I'd choose Johnny Depp.

Maybe if my songs feel personal, that's very nice. I like that. I take that as a great compliment.

My life and my work are very interlocked. That's partly why I like to keep my private life private.

You have to try and embrace it all and everyone who represents that change because it is happening.

I guess what all artists want is for their work to touch someone or for it to be thought provoking.

My father was always playing the piano. He played all kinds of music - Gershwin, all kinds of stuff.

The great thing about art on any level is that it can speak to all people if it's achieved properly.

There's always ideas buzzing around, but it's whether they actually end up materialising into a song.

There is magic within, there is magic without. Follow me and you'll learn just what life's all about.

My desire was never to be famous. It was to try and create something interesting musically if I could.

I don't think it's a very nice idea [making biopic] at all. I don't think my life is that interesting.

I think we all feel geeky at times, don't we? Isn't that all a part of the wonderful tapestry of life?

I hear odd tracks from my albums every now and again on the radio, or maybe a friend plays me something.

With some of the songs, we brought the pitch down to alto.I'm older, so naturally my voice is lower now.

It's so important to me to do the washing, do the Hoovering. I don't ever want to lose contact with that.

I love comedy. I like to think that there's a sense of humor in some of my music - obviously not all of it.

School was a very cruel environment and I was a loner. But I learnt to get hurt and I learnt to cope with it.

School was a very cruel environment, and I was a loner. But I learnt to get hurt, and I learnt to cope with it.

For the last 12 years, I've felt really privileged to be living such a normal life. It's so a part of who I am.

What I've tended to do is to use my own experiences to get into someone else's mind, like in Wuthering Heights.

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