Psychiatry causes so much death

Psychiatry causes so much death.

Monogamy and prostitution go together.

Isn't privacy about keeping taboos in their place

Isn't privacy about keeping taboos in their place?

No one should be adored, it's fundamentally immoral.

Life is a publicity stunt. A shill. You've been had.

You won't do any more housework Then you go to the bin.

You won't do any more housework? Then you go to the bin.

Hell, I don't want to grow old at all. I never want to die.

Hostility is expressed in a number of ways. One is laughter.

Aren't women prudes if they don't and prostitutes if they do?

It would appear that love is dead. Or very likely in a bad way.

There are only moments. Live in this one. The happiness of these days.

I saw hell. The hospital had divided and conquered pretty successfully.

My sister said, You're making it hard for all us housewives in Nebraska.

Mother had committed me for life. This is where I felt betrayed the most.

We are women. We are a subject people who have inherited an alien culture.

They weren't crazy. They were tired of being locked up. Even I could see that.

Homosexuality was invented by a straight world dealing with its own bisexuality.

one of the blessings of adulthood is that one is no longer addressed as a thing.

What is the future of the woman's movement How in the hell do I know I don't run it.

I'm slammed with an identity that can no longer say a word; mute with responsibility.

This country is becoming increasingly authoritarian. It's based on capital punishment.

I don't believe in monogamy, possessing people, the rightness or inevitability of jealousy.

They are more beautiful than anything in the world, kinetic sculptures, perfect form in motion.

You have to be a little patient if you're an artist. People don't always get you the first time.

As women, we're probably more protective of children. Also, we've been minors all of our history

Men and women were declared equal one morning and everybody could divorce each other by postcard

Men and women were declared equal one morning and everybody could divorce each other by postcard.

As women, we're probably more protective of children. Also, we've been minors all of our history.

The image of the woman as we know it is an image created by men and fashioned to suit their needs.

I was supposed to be women's lib, and now I'd exceeded it and gone over into international politics.

What is our freedom fight about? Is it about the liberation of children or just having sex with them?

People have a right to their own lives, and if you can't help somebody, you ought to get out of their way.

The involuntary character of psychiatric treatment is at odds with the spirit and ethics of medicine itself.

To be a rebel is not to be a revolutionary. It is more often by a way of spinning one's wheels deeper in sand.

The lesbian is the archtypical feminist, because she's not into men - she's the independent woman par excellence.

The complete destruction of traditional marriage and the nuclear family is the 'revolutionary or utopian' goal of feminism.

We're more sexually repressed than men, having been given a much more strict puritanical code of behavior than men ever have.

Because of our social circumstances, male and female are really two cultures and their life experiences are utterly different.

To love is simply to allow another to be, live, grow, expand, become. An appreciation that demands and expects nothing in return.

Many women do not recognize themselves as discriminated against; no better proof could be found of the totality of their conditioning.

This is how psychiatry has functioned-as a kind of property arm of the government, who can put you away if your husband doesn't like you.

Given the conditions under which you're a young person in this society, many things would be at least as important to you as your sexuality.

A sexual revolution begins with the emancipation of women, who are the chief victims of patriarchy, and also with the ending of homosexual oppression.

With the first act of cruelty committed in the name of revolution, with the first murder, with the first purge and execution, we have lost the revolution.

Intercourse is an assertion of mastery, one that announces his own higher caste and proves it upon a victim who is expected to surrender, serve, and be satisfied.

In those days, when you got boxed, that was it. A lot of old people were there because somebody wanted the farm. It was about property. People are treated like property.

Everybody believes in psychiatry it's supposed to be for our own good. Let psychiatry prove that anybody has an illness, and I'd concede, but there is no physical proof.

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