Popularity is totally overrated.

Young girls getting into feminism.

I just write what I want to write.

Teachers are performers, just like I am.

I'm not that interested in female superheroes.

I wanna be a legend; I wanna be a cult hero. I do!

What happens tomorrow is going to happen tomorrow.

Taking care of yourself is the most important thing.

Art revolves around creating something that isn't there.

It takes falling down a bunch of times before you start running.

People are actually having conversations about "Is this sexist?"

I really like to talk about my work in a way that is complicated.

I wanted to say to myself as much as anyone else that we made art.

Gay marriage! That's a huge change and a huge win-win for feminism.

I wanted to make something that I wanted to hear that I wasn't hearing.

While sexism hurts women most intimately, it also damages men severely.

There are more people who are not straight, white males going to shows.

Just because you're wearing a goofy hat doesn't make it performance art.

You guys are seriously missing out unless you all start listening to girls.

Singing is my life, and I have to do it, or I'm going to go totally bananas.

In the '90s, people wore scrunchies, but it was very uncool in the punk scene.

Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I'm the same as every other female singer.

I need to see my friends or I'm gonna go crazy. I'm not gonna stay home and work.

There's just as many different kinds of feminism as there are women in the world.

I'm not going to sit around and be peace and love with somebody's boot on my neck.

I think that feminism is in cycle. Feminism rotates between backlash and interest.

I think music can definitely be art; I also think music can be crap and not be art.

Internalized sexism that makes us feel like we can't show ourselves not being perfect.

I almost wish we would've filmed a whole fake tampon commercial around ["I'm With Her"].

Think of something that you can do as opposed to all the things you can't do - and do that.

I think this whole Billy Bush thing just pushed women over the edge because it's so visceral.

I like loud snare, and I like really treble-y guitars, and that's just never going to change.

I would much rather be the obnoxious feminist girl than be complicit in my own dehumanization.

The cool thing about the Internet is that it's allowing women more access to their own history.

If I had to choose between the band or the friendships, I'd choose the friendships at this point.

I don't consider myself a divining rod whom God is speaking through or any kind of crap like that.

I think as a culture, we don't like conflict or looking at icky stuff - especially in our downtime.

What usually happens with me is that I start with one idea in mind and then something else happens.

I feel like there's this weird thing that as a feminist band you get put in this role as ambassadors.

I don't think I've ever had a woman yell that at me, but women have yelled mean things at me as well.

Since I loved underground music, I tried to carve a space for feminism within it. Those were my hopes.

People have always had these weird things about how you have to be really good looking to be a singer.

I would love to make a bunch of country demos and write country songs for really great country singers.

I'm in a really lucky position where people will be interested in whatever I do, but what I do is sing.

It takes your mind off things when there's a cat in your lip and he's purring while you're petting him.

I realized that I really enjoy writing comedy, and how important comedy is when you feel like total crap.

I'm a very binary person in a bad way where it's like everything is either totally great or totally awful.

I'm living in a world where there are LGBTQ straight alliances at high schools. I feel pretty psyched on that.

There are so many great artists that are doing interesting things, that I don't want to focus on boring people.

Every band I've been in, it's just become my total life. I feel like a child star - I've missed out on so much.

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