With age, I've gained confidence.

Tom and I will always be in our honeymoon phase.

We all keep dreaming, and luckily, dreams come true.

Every role that you don't get burns you for a while.

I think that I'm always open to any kind of project.

I wasn't very funny or flashy, I was kind of boring.

I have three sisters. I went to an all-girls academy.

I'm not the easiest person to live with. I'm kind of a slob.

I love all of his movies. I love all his movies. I love Tom.

I’m not the easiest person to live with. I’m kind of a slob.

I really hope that I get to work with Chris [Nolan] some day.

Definitely being a mom changes your perspective on everything.

I'm so spoiled - I must have a Starbucks vanilla latte every day.

I don't over-gift. I don't inundate my child with a lot of things.

I'm not strictly vegetarian, but meat doesn't play a big part in my diet.

Any time I break up with Dawson or question him, viewers turn against me.

I think I want to pursue a movie career and maybe even pursue some theatre.

Pretty, and you may be talented, but nobody will remember that if you're mean.

This business is so unstable, and you never really know where you're going to be.

I went to a local modeling school when I was about 10 and learned to walk the runway.

I don't always take off my make-up before bed, and I like pizza at two in the morning.

I have some road rage inside of me. Traffic, especially in L.A., is a pet peeve of mine.

I like doing yoga; I like running and cycling - just staying active. And I love a facial.

We didn't have the time to watch playback all the time so I depended on my team [All We Had].

My schedule is pretty busy, so I've learned to do my makeup quickly because I prefer to sleep.

It's kind of fun being the cute, little one. In fact, I'm finding it hard to grow out of that.

I was paying attention to where Steven Soderbergh had the camera and his shots. I was blown away.

I got caught kissing. Like by my parents. It was so horrible. It's so embarrassing, I'm blushing.

Chris and I care about each other and we're still friends. Tom is the most incredible man in the world.

I never really look back. I just approach life (taking) it one day at a time. I'm just really grateful.

Growing up, I always had my dreams set on being an actor, so I looked up to Julia Roberts, Audrey Hepburn.

I feel so blessed to do what I do, but there's nothing in the world better than watching your child succeed.

We're trying to raise good humans, and some days, we're better at it than others. You don't always get treats.

I find that usually when I watch something like horror film, I'm constantly thinking no, it's not going to happen.

I think now I'm just excited to continue directing and find stories that inspire me and bring those to the screen.

When I read scripts and when I read books, it's more of an emotional response and I was really drawn to these characters.

I'm free of an abusive cult, based on money and power that worships a fictional deity and safely back with the Catholic Church.

I'm really into my running workout. Running really helps me clear my head and makes me feel good, especially when I'm stressed.

I like being part of good movies and telling stories that mean something to me. I also like playing characters that I look up to.

You go in thinking you have to do this all by yourself, and what I learned was no, when you hire great people, they do so much for you.

I'm just going to say that I met somebody last year, I fell in love, I had my first love, and it was something so incredible and indescribable.

I'm not the easiest person to live with. I'm kind of a slob. So for me to consider a roommate, it would have to be one of my sisters or something.

I'm not computer literate. I e-mail. I know how to get on the Web, but I haven't crossed over into the internet world. I'm old-fashioned, I guess.

I really enjoyed working on the first one [Batman franchise] and I wish I could have worked with Chris Nolan again and I hope to work with him again.

I felt that there was a beautiful story [ in "All We Had"] to be told and one that was valuable and also one that was a size that I could do as my first.

Definitely trust yourself. Work hard. Be honest with yourself. And life can be joyful. It is joyful. Just give it your all and it's all going to work out.

Definitely trust yourself. Work hard. Be honest with yourself. And life can be joyful. It is joyful. Just give it your all, and it's all going to work out.

I feel very lucky. I have a husband and baby that I adore. I have a career I really love. When I sit back and reflect, it's, like, wow! I am very grateful.

I found it to be more challenging to be in a huge effects movie, because a lot of the things aren't there.You have to trust the director and react to nothing.

I found it to be more challenging to be in a huge effects movie, because a lot of the things aren't there. You have to trust the director and react to nothing.

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