Modern feminism cannot survive without victims.

Well, I am actually a daughter of the American Revolution

Breaking through glass ceilings isn't reserved for liberals.

Imagine a world where Hillary Clinton actually knew what she was talking about.

These days, if you see something and say something, you're just a paranoid bigot.

Of course Castro was Cuba's longest serving president. After all, he was a dictator.

Just like President Obama, Hillary Clinton does in fact want to take away your guns.

People make mistakes and poor decisions in life and sometimes deserve second chances.

America must keep jihad out, especially when we know exactly where it is coming from.

We're in a war with ISIS and we need a leader who understands exactly what that means.

Who needs shows like 'House of Cards' or 'Scandal' when you can simply turn on the news?

When you are handed something instead of having to work for it, you don't respect it as much.

Sure, Obama is personally popular, but the same cannot be said for his policies or his legacy.

Despite Obama's claim that pro-Second Amendment groups want less gun safety, the opposite is true.

The persecution of Christians isn't isolated. Instead, it's rampant and expanding around the world.

Jerusalem will always be the capital of Israel, even if someday a peace agreement were to be reached.

We don't have to learn to live with terror, but we must be prepared and accept the reality it is here.

It isn't brave to stand up for gun control in a building surrounded by armed guards. It's simply elitist.

All lives matter, including black lives, which is a value we should be striving for rather than condemning.

If you want to be friendly with puppies and everyone else because they're so cute, you better be nice to your owners.

Historically, Democrats have been far more united than Republicans when it comes to policy, ideology and public debate.

The NRA is interested in protecting the civil rights of Americans, not protecting the ability of terrorists to get guns.

The NRA isn't a boogeyman, it's a grass-roots organization made up of 5 million law-abiding Second Amendment supporters.

All Americans are taught, and hopefully believe, in the idea that we are all created equal and should be treated that way.

The world's oldest Christian populations have been driven from their homes and have become nearly extinct in the Middle East.

Every exchange between reporters and officials is important - that's why every State press briefing is put into the archives.

I grew up in a conservative household, my parents were small business owners, so it really just was kind of part of who we were.

I think if you have to make sandwiches to get a ring - you should do good things for your man, but I don't think I would do that.

The U.S. Embassy in Havana may be reopened, but outside its gates, an open society with more freedom for its people is still absent.

I actually think it's a good thing that men also have the option to take leave. `Cause sometimes women are breadwinners in the family.

YouTube is the most popular video service in the world. It's how Americans, and the rest of the world, overwhelmingly search for videos.

The true gun safety advocates, as they have been for centuries, are the millions of members of the NRA and other training organizations.

Gun manufacturers and companies are responsible for bad products. They are not responsible for bad people who use their products improperly.

There is a heap of evidence to show Michael Avenatti is a liar and yet he was treated as the ultimate arbitrator of truth. How embarrassing.

Were Trump campaign officials the only ones engaging in questionable behavior regarding Russia? Hardly. The Clintons are in the same category.

Just like every other industry, the firearms industry can in fact be sued - a far cry from being immune or 'wholly protected' of any liability.

Not only do the Amy Schumers of the world and the gun control groups who support her fail to provide real gun safety lessons, they oppose them.

Lawmakers who attempt to find solutions to the havoc ObamaCare has wreaked across the nation are taking healthcare protections away from newborns.

Anti-gun groups, most of which are funded by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, have done little to promote or fund real gun safety programs.

The U.S. relationship with the Palestinians is a limited, one-way street for a number of reasons, one prominently being a lack of common moral values.

I'm not Cuban and therefore don't have any family members who were oppressed by Castro's regime. But I do have a number of friends whose families were.

Amazing how the White House, celebrities and gun control groups happen to repeatedly push for new initiatives in an organized fashion at the same time.

When I was a UA student, I was given the ultimate runaround when my student group wanted to bring author and activist David Horowitz to speak on campus.

I think in the United States we have a different standard for what equality means for women that isn't really that comparable to that in the Middle East.

I want to remind the viewers that people like Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama endorsed the Occupy Wall Street movement which is actually full of anarchists.

In the wake of a Trump victory, the Democratic Party is tacking to the left in an attempt to harness the populist message that put Trump in the White House.

Denying that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel does nothing to promote peace - instead, it disrespects a longtime, helpful and humane ally in the Middle East.

Democrats didn't just lose the 2016 presidential election, they lost seats across the country at every level of government under Obama's tenure in the White House.

Egypt is home to the largest Christian population in the Middle East, largely because they've been persecuted to brink of extinction everywhere else in the region.

The mission of Border Patrol agents to protect the United States from harm is being impeded by a crisis Congress has the ability to fix, but as usual, chooses not to.

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