Do what you love in your community.

I'm racist against non-black people.

Everybody puts on airs, regardless of race.

I'm very, very, very interested in martial arts.

I get overwhelmed when I approach things intellectually.

I'm a great consumer of kung-fu movies - mid-'70s to late-'80s.

If I could just get over my issues of wanting people to like me.

There is nothing more dangerous on planet Earth than a black wife.

Surprise is not humor. I think that there can be a fine line there.

It's when you're true to yourself that resonates with other people.

I want people to say, "Oh my God, I'm laughing out loud at television."

I grew up watching British television because I lived so close to Canada.

I'm adopted, so I didn't know my father, but apparently he was pretty tall.

I have always, or for the most part, identified myself as a biracial person.

You can not have comedy unless people are behaving badly. You can't have it.

I'm tall and thin but not strong, so you're either an athlete or you're funny.

[Adoption] could turn you into an exquisite comedian. Ask Richard Pryor's ghost.

You hold precious what you create for yourself in your life that makes you comfortable.

Success isn't measured by the amount of people that watch you unless you allow it to be.

I was raised Catholic, so guilt shackles you from acting like a complete fool all the time.

Some of the friendliest, friendliest people you're going to meet are going to be in Detroit.

I want to make movies and pieces of television and pieces of art that crack everyone's assumptions.

There is no top. You are never going to reach the top if you go for success. That way lies madness.

There's a very famous South African playwright named Athol Fugard, and I'd be in any play he's ever did.

I love dialects and accents; they're something that really resonate with me and that I find fascinating.

For me, as a child, I certainly thought that there were more black people in the world than white people.

The fact of the matter is, you can't do comedy unless someone is behaving badly. Otherwise, it's not a comedy.

I would play just about any role, male or female, in the Anton Chekov play 'The Cherry Orchard,' which I love.

I'm from the Midwest, so I always assumed, 'Well, I have to think badly of myself, because that's being humble.'

At times, I can be vocal about what I think people want to hear as opposed to being vocal about what I really feel.

We share plates [with Jordan Peele], and we also very often will sit in the corner and kind of speak in our own language.

We've caught people watching us, and I'll look at them and I'll go, "It's just us. It's just our thing. It's just what we do."

The immediacy of improvisation is intoxicating, but there's an intimacy that you get that's very different when you're doing drama.

With a lot of my comedic heroes, I'm trying to make sure that, wherever they might have gotten off-track a bit, I've learned that lesson.

There's a thing called the 'One Drop' theory in African-American culture, which is if you have one drop of black blood in you, you're black.

When you say to somebody, "I'd like to recommend a book to you," you're typically talking to a person who is willing to learn, grow, or change.

There's something very simple and contemplative about 'John Wick' - what is interesting is that it looks like it was based on an Akira Kurosawa movie.

You could figure out at least 80 percent of the context and meaning of a text if people used punctuation, and we wouldn't have had to write our sketch.

The audience loves to figure things out. They love it when a performer leaves a trail of bread crumbs for them, and they get to participate in the comedy.

My father has passed away. He was African-American. My mother is white. So I was adopted by a couple that was of a similar dynamic as my biological parents.

There's a sketch where we're playing two terrorists in a cave, and my terrorist is very frustrated as to why we haven't flown a plane into a building in 13 years.

I would love to play a fun character. Like, I would love to be in 'A Long Day's Journey Into Night.' I love that play. I'd play Edmond or Jamie. I don't care which.

If you look at any successful skit comedy show, ever, there is that format of introducing you to the player in the beginning, and then going on to see those sketches.

Bill Murray is such a tremendous talent, but the world wasn't ready for 'Razor's Edge,' for something that thoughtful and with that much depth at that time in his career.

I have this little thing that people call Keegan-ese, where I don't speak English words at all. I just say stuff like, "You gotta toish the doish and you gotta maloish the hoish."

[The rumor that Leonardo DiCaprio on set was raped by a bear] was as silly as Lady Gaga bumping him or moving his arm out of the way [at the Golden Globes]. People straight be bored.

If you take something like the slave-auction sketch, the warmth of the light gives it a crisp 12 Years a Slave look. And your eye tells your brain, "I should be taking this seriously."

Being a melting pot is what I think is great about being American, and also that we get to do something that other people don't get to do, we get to be a hyphenate. That's a good thing.

My parents were not big sports fans, but my mother loved Barry Sanders, but she wasn't a huge fan. Now she likes Calvin Johnson. He's such an amazing athlete and such a wonderful, humble guy.

When you're a child, the most important thing is to be able to live a life of comfort. You want to be sure that the moon goes up at night and the sun comes up in the morning and dad comes home from work.

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