Love is hearing my son laugh.

We are all connected in love.

Being barefoot makes me feel vulnerable.

I love the show tunes; I love all of them.

I was a cheerleader growing up, so I can relate to that!

Wearing a monkey suit really lets you know where you stand as an actor.

I love every aspect of the performing arts and can't imagine myself doing anything different. I give my heart to every project.

I love saying dialogue and creating a full character more than just being physical. But I always end up doing physical stuff in my roles.

I've learned that nobody is either all good or all evil. We all make mistakes, but we all are also capable of accomplishing extraordinary things.

I like to make people laugh, and I definitely think laughter is healing. It's one of my favorite thing to do, so I'm attracted to it for many reasons.

I am a musical-theater nut. When the lyrics, orchestration, and performance all come together just right, I come alive and can feel every cell in my body.

I'm at the stage in my pregnancy where I don't feel pregnant. You feel very, 'Oh yeah, I'm pregnant,' because you're over the morning sickness and it's not too uncomfortable. It's fun.

I was fortunate enough to book a pilot, and we just got picked up for a midseason replacement for ABC. It's called 'Romantically Challenged,' and I'm going to be playing Alyssa Milano's little sister. The other actor in it is Kyle Bornheimer from 'Worst Week' - he's hilarious.

Like many actors, I started off as a monkey. My first job ever was as an extra in Tim Burton's 'Planet of the Apes.' I'm the tiny little monkey in the background. I met Rick Baker doing that - then, because of my size and the fact I was older than 18, he figured I could double Daveigh Chase in 'The Ring.'

If I've been hurt, I'm not one of those people who can hide it or bury it deep within. I give myself time to work through it, cry, journal, pray, call my best friends. Then I try to take a step back and get perspective. I try to remind myself of all the positive things in my life and do my best to let it go.

When I was a little girl, the only real form of entertainment I was exposed to was theater, being raised in St. Louis, and I still love theater, and I think sitcoms are similar to that, in there's a live audience, and you know, I definitely like the comedy of it, too. I like to make people laugh, and I definitely think laughter is healing.

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