Life is scary.

Sexy is confident.

I am a very competitive person.

Instagram is my edit of my life.

Runway is like an adrenaline rush.

I enjoy letting my fans into my world.

I'm super OCD, so everything is clean.

I really don't have a celebrity crush.

I'm a cat, and you have to earn my trust.

I think I'm the most private out of my family.

I think everyone is beautiful in their own way.

I feel like I grew up too fast a long time ago.

I definitely want to design clothes at one point.

My biggest role model? Def my Mom and my sisters!

When I was a kid, I was so homesick at all times.

I love a good dinner and getting to know someone.

When I was younger, we lived in a horse community.

I'm very competitive with myself. I'm a scheduler.

I think Cindy Crawford is awesome. I love her style.

When it rains, I have good energy; I'm in a good mood.

I wanted to fly when I was little. I still want to fly.

I don't check any Web sites daily, but I love Instagram.

It makes me think—what am I going to be like when I'm 65?

Modeling is my number one priority - one hundred percent.

My name is Kendall. Kendall Jenner. I am not a Kardashian.

I've been to some of the most amazing cities in the world.

Don't judge someone's attitude until you've felt their pain.

I'm the fastest walker, and everyone makes fun of me for it.

I'm obsessed with Tumblr. I love looking at all the pictures!

My ideal prom date would have to be cute, funny, sweet, nice.

My dream jobs would be Italian 'Vogue' and anything with Chanel!

Someone who wants to be with you, WILL be with you. End of story.

I want to continue modeling and do the best that I can with that.

The New York fashion scene is crazy, madness, but I love the energy.

Every girl loves posing in her underwear. It's always fun to do that.

I was always looking up to supermodels. They were, like, my superheroes.

I try to keep my filters simple. I don't do anything major to my photos.

Anytime someone asks me to look at a new house with them, I'm like, 'Yes!'

I try to drink a bottle of water a day, and I love Kiwi Strawberry Snapple.

It’s crazy to think North West can already read better than Kendall Jenner.

I hate when people are chomping their gum, even though I do it. I hate that.

I truly enjoyed Greece - Santorini. That's somewhere that I always want to be.

It's just scary to think how fast everything is rolling, and you can't stop it.

I think my mom and dad have an incredible work ethic, and we've grown up around it.

My entire life, I just wanted a pony, and I couldn't care less about a pair of shoes.

If we're fighting, we call Khloe. She's our peacemaker. Kourtney keeps us down-to-earth.

My first crush was this kid in kindergarten who told me he had tigers in his attic as well.

Do your squats eat, your vegetables, wear red lipstick, [and] don't let boys be mean to you.

I don't work with a trainer. I just go to cheerleading practice and run a couple times a week.

In first grade, I told my friends I had a third story in my house filled with jewels and lions.

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