Life is too short to be organized

Life's too short to be organized.

It's what we think of ourselves that matter!

I don't eat fast food - and neither should you!

There's no such thing as failure if you just try.

Find your passion and run with it. Anything is possible.

Stop trying to be what society's shoving down your throat.

Look your significant other in the eyes, make that connection.

You don't wait for your dreams to happen, you MAKE them happen.

If a girl thinks she isn't beautiful, I'm here to prove her wrong.

I'm a huge candy fan. My favorite growing up was always Sour Belts or Sour Straws.

Kid's, Life's too short to be organized. Follow your dreams first, then organize later.

It's a shame that cancer has been something that's been accepted in society as something that's always gonna be there.

I'm pretty much living my dream job, but one day I would love to dedicate more time to writing and performing my own music.

I have a great relationship with everyone in my family, but I'm closer to my brothers than anyone else because they give me a lot of guidance.

I actually think the band doesn't need the television show. And I actually think the television show holds it back. No one at radio wants to play a band that's on a television show.

I'm into Incubus. Growing up, I was a huge Taking Back Sunday fan. I'm still a fan, but I don't listen as much as I used to. When I was 13 or 14, I started getting into emo-pop-rock, so that influenced me. I also love Drake... I have a pretty diverse collection.

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