Everyone loves to laugh.

New Day rocks. I can't lie.

The best wrestler in the world is me.

I'm not one to shy away from speaking my mind.

There are people who would love to see me fail.

If I lose my confidence, then I'll lose my way.

The Young Bucks and myself are always full of ideas.

My dreams are bigger than money; they're bigger than fame.

This IWGP title means more with me than any WWE championship.

There's a lot of deep emotional connections between wrestlers.

I had always wanted a top spot, ever since I came to Japan in 2008.

I have things about me that I dislike; I'm not a perfect human being.

Really, Tanahashi belongs in the WWE. He can be the next Roman Reigns.

WWE, of course, has had some fantastic two out of three falls matches.

As an artist, I really feel I need an outlet to exhibit all of my skills.

When you are in WWE, you're really strapped down by their rules and writing.

'Virtual Pro Wrestling 2' remains the best wrestling game ever, in my opinion.

A finishing move is an important part of one's character - and sometimes success.

I have sort of made it my mission to be treated less as a foreigner, less as a guest.

Part of what makes my character work is the delivery of the truth behind my comments.

It is always funny to see a grown man bully get beat up by a little girl or anything.

It's no secret that I love the country, and Japan has always felt like a second home to me.

When I see Big E, I clearly see someone who could be world champion. The guy is on another level.

Winning the title is an important detail to the story, but how you get there is much more important.

Not to knock TNA, but there's too much hokey talking and segments that don't really involve wrestling.

I could say, you know, if I could work with Seth Rollins at some point in time, that would be a lot of fun.

As naturally athletic as I'm gifted to be, where certain things came easily, I always rely on my brain first.

There are days when you have tag matches, but you need to prepare for your next singles match on that same day.

If LGBT people can identify with our story, if they think, 'The Golden Lovers are my team,' I'm good with that.

It's easy to make rude comments simply for the sake of being rude, but I'd much rather go a more psychological route.

Why use your natural abilities to make someone feel bad? I just want to be the guy who uses his power to be positive.

I loved DDT for the freedom; I was able to tell the wackiest and wildest of stories but also test myself as an athlete.

Of course I'm not stupid enough to think that we could take on WWE head-on and win, because they're too big of a monster.

You should never bury someone to forward your own personal interest. And I would never do that to anyone else on the planet.

In WWE, a gay person is usually portrayed like some sort of comedy act to be mocked and laughed at. The world's not like that anymore.

As a kid, when the neighbors were out playing street hockey or tackle football, my friends and I were in my basement with the NES/SNES.

Fans, wrestlers, and even the general public have been conditioned to believe that there's an enormous skill gap between WWE and everyone else.

Before going to developmental, I had next to no fundamentals and that was sort of, doing cool chain wrestling and using a lot of holds and stuff.

We're always driven by our mindset and feeling on a particular show day, so you'll never know what you'll get until you see it happen in the ring.

I sort of took the literal term of 'The Cleaner,' and I started bringing janitorial items to the ring with me, so I took garbage bags and brooms and mops.

If people love you, if you're making money, if the performances you have are unlike anything anyone has ever seen, you get put in a position to be the man.

All I know is what I have been given and what opportunities lie before me. Try to make the best of them, and I'm not going to give up until I make it to the top.

I can be multi-cultural, multi-lingual, work a physical style, push forward entertaining storylines, and be the more worldly entertainment that the company needs.

Learning Japanese was certainly a task, but my passion for the culture, as well as my will to communicate with fans and friends, always encouraged me to continue.

The IWGP title makes me a legend. I've committed half my life to this, and it's worth all the sacrifice. Not only was it worth it, but it was worth it and then some.

Since I'm not in WWE, some people think I'm not even in their league. It's easy for me to tune those people out because they have no idea what they're talking about.

As a professional wrestler in the position I am in, I would rather have people remember my matches for an emotion or for a certain thought it evoked when they saw it.

There are times you break up with a loved one, a friend, or whatever. You feel alone. It's a very easy feeling to understand - the feeling of loss, heartache, and pain.

I am invading homes everywhere, all over the Internet and on TV - all you have to do is search the name, and you can find me anywhere, from New Japan World to Ring of Honor.

A lot of my main-event matches will last around the half-hour mark, and if you can have a variety of emotions within that half hour, that's a great story from start to finish.

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