My favorite show is 'Parks and Recreation.'

I started in theatre, and that took me into film and television.

I love dance; that's a big part of my life - like, ballet specifically.

I wish I had more movies I could watch with my parents and not feel super uncomfortable.

Often when you're a teenage girl, you get sent characters that are so unenjoyable and unexciting.

I did my first play around four or five. I can't remember the first one, but I did 'Annie' when I was five.

I have always been kind of really good at faking the sick voice, and I never really realized it because I would never use that power for evil.

I listen to music because that's such a huge part of my process; not to sound super pretentious, but that's a big part of what helps me get in character.

Cable television is such a part of our society now. Oftentimes, the shows are really good, and you're just like, 'Well, it's worth sitting through the sex and violence because the narrative is so great.'

I started playing guitar when I was eight. Well, I started piano and really liked it but never practiced, but it taught me how to read music, and then my mom signed me up for guitar lessons, and I connected to that way more.

I listen to so much music every day, so that's such a big part of my life. To be able to pursue that and put out my own stuff is definitely a goal. I don't want to put something out that I'm not proud of because I think it's so easy to say, 'I'm an actress/musician.'

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