You can be the lead in your own life.

I have a deep, deep love for sneakers.

Study! Study ! Study! Get an education.

Voting for [Donald] Trump Is Voting Against Ourselves.

I would wear pajamas to work every day if it were up to me.

When I look in the mirror, I see an ever-unfolding process.

I'd figure out ways to use role-playing in the healing of people.

There are so many untold stories when it comes to great women of color.

It's exciting to me that people know that I'm someone who's very political.

You may not be thinking about politics, but politics is thinking about you.

As a young girl, my real dream was to be the woman in the shows at SeaWorld.

If I ever have a family one day, everything else will pale in importance to that.

I choose to feel optimistic, because I don't think I could get out of bed if I didn't.

I'm a person who's always been politically active and passionate about people's rights.

Arts education must be part of our education solution because it works for all students.

I don't talk about my personal life in the press; that's how I kept my wedding a secret.

I grew up in New York, so I fell in love with acting on a stage, not in front of a camera.

Shoes define how you walk in the world and how you stand: like, what is your posture in life?

I bring something to the table as a woman; I bring something to the table as a woman of color.

You can never control how people respond to your work. You can only control your own work ethic.

It is important to have friends and family around that I love and trust and who love and trust me.

I'd never really heard of financial abuse, although it makes so much sense when you hear it defined.

Art curates compassion. Art to me breaks down walls and allows us to step into somebody else's shoes.

There are already a number of gatherings centered around women of color who are doing inspiring work.

I have an amazing social media manager, Allison Peters, who is one of my closest friends since childhood.

I don't gravitate toward any one designer because I think of fashion as the costume of the everyday woman.

I think everything in life happens for a reason. I always think there's room for me to improve as a person.

Your life is your story, and the adventure ahead of you is the journey to fulfill your own purpose and potential.

I think generalizations of any sort are dangerous. I'll say, if that is the case - right now it's an American issue.

I can be in a little bit of a state of overwhelm and panic if I don't start out being connected to grace and gratitude.

I don't have to be perfect. All I have to do is show up and enjoy the messy, imperfect and beautiful journey of my life.

Learn to embrace your own unique beauty, celebrate your unique gifts with confidence. Your imperfections are actually a gift.

I have girlfriends in this business who talk about their personal lives, and it works for them, and I love it. But not for me.

I get through the tough times through prayer and meditation. And I have really good friends and family, and a great therapist.

That's what acting is - it's about having the courage to allow your audience into the private moments of your characters' lives.

You're able to make a real difference. If a woman's able to step away financially, she's able to begin to do all the other work.

I really love research. It's one of the things I love most about my job. I feel like it's me in the lab cooking up the character.

That's what acting is - it's about... having the courage to allow your audience into the private moments of your characters' lives.

As long as anyone anywhere is being made to feel less human, our very definition of humanity is at stake, and we are all vulnerable.

You see the transformation that the arts have on young people. It changes their lives for the better. That's where my engagement is.

I always prided myself on the fact that I could live out of milk crates forever. It was kind of my way of detaching from materialism.

My mother is one of seven kids, so I have a lot of strong women in my family, and I have supportive, beautiful relationships with all of them.

I really try to let my friends into all of my life. They know that Red-Carpet Kerry is a version of Kerry, and they know that DNC Speaker Kerry is me.

I think all of us in our lives feel like we can't make a difference or we can't make a change or it's too late or we're too tired or we're too scared.

I learned through experience that it doesn't work for me to talk about my personal life. I've had earlier times in my career when I did talk about it.

It's interesting how much people long to fill in the gaps when someone in the public eye doesn't share their personal life. I understand their frustration.

I definitely feel like I'm at that point where it's nice to not have to sit at home and wait to be invited to the party, but to be creating work for yourself.

When somebody shows up at your job and jeopardizes your job, yelling and screaming, that's financial abuse. It threatens your ability to take care of yourself.

I've always been a writer because I've always been a student. My mom's a retired professor, so I come from a very academic background. I love writing, you know?

I guess because I came to it later in life, I realized, 'Oh, going to a fashion show is like going to the opening of Degas at the Met or going to see Swan Lake.'

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