L.A. kind of scares me.

I have a natural swagger.

'X-Men: First Class' was fun.

Great writing makes great television.

Clint Eastwood has always been a hero.

Fame is very much a double-edged sword.

Ninety-five percent of celebrity is good.

'Kung Fury!' I mean, Jesus, that thing is amazing.

You have to keep the fights clean and the sex dirty.

I don't have to do the lead. If I dig a part, I'll do it.

A lot of times, the script is the thing they care about least.

I don't have any plans of slowing down. I love being an actor.

I've been in silly movies and romantic movies and historic movies.

I do better on the first three takes; I won't be better at 20 takes.

I used to live on Riverside Park in New York, on the Upper West Side.

There are some actor secrets you keep sometimes, and you want to keep.

Things could be worse. You remember that, and you go on with your life.

I did all the dialect work, all my character work completely by myself.

I don't want to stop acting, but acting in some ways is a young man's game.

I'd love to be a pop idol. Of course, my groupies are now between 40 and 50.

I was in the first 'Friday The 13th,' and that was a microbudget horror film.

There are very few things that are purely conceptual without any hard content.

Before Footloose, the things I'd done weren't cute. In Diner I was an alcoholic.

I'm obsessed with zombies. I like watching zombie movies and I read zombie books.

I'd always tried not to worry about the size of the role or the size of the film.

I always have to make it as clear as I possibly can that fame is 99.9 percent good.

My family survived losing money to Bernie Madoff incredibly well compared to others.

The greatest justice in life is that your vision and looks tend to go simultaneously.

When it comes to music, it's my clothes, it's my guitar, it's my voice, it's my song.

Even the people that support Bush aren't happy with the way things are going in Iraq.

A good director creates an environment which gives the actor the encouragement to fly.

If you're an actor, even a successful one, you're still waiting for the phone to ring.

Obviously, my perception of the world is one where humans are a threat to our survival.

A good director creates an environment, which gives the actor the encouragement to fly.

I started working in the mid-to-late Seventies, when television was not what it is now.

With a lot of actors, you've got to chip through the surface to see who the real person is.

I didn't get into this so I could talk about my work, my movies. You become an actor to act.

There's the most resistance to an actor singing. It's like I'm being disloyal to my industry.

Do you want to be the guy with a game named after you or be the one with 18 Oscar nominations?

It's easy to get laid when you're rich and famous. When you're broke and unknown, it takes skill.

There are two types of actors: those who say they don't want to be famous and those who are liars.

I always wanted, and still aspire, to be something more than just one thing, just one performance.

There are two types of actors: those who say they don't want to be famous, and those who are liars.

There's something therapeutic about nudity ... Take away the Gucci or Levi's and we're all the same.

Whether it's my age or my misspent youth, sometimes I forget whether I've worked with somebody or not.

I don't read my own reviews and I haven't for probably 15 years. I read other people's reviews, though.

Gary Oldman is impossible to steal a movie from. He's such a great actor, he's off the hook. I love him.

I feel like my responsibility as an actor is to make characters as compelling and believable as possible.

After so many years it's embarrassing to admit that I don't honestly know how much I want to be directed.

I'm always happier and a better actor when I can really lose myself in a character and become somebody else.

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