Nobody is as smart as everybody.

Managing bottom-up change is its own art.

Technology is anything that doesn't work yet.

Softball isn't just a game it's away of life.

All imaginable futures are not equally possible.

Humans are the reproductive organs of technology.

The very long tail of the future is already here.

We have to get better at believing the impossible.

Well, here's what you can do, and that's about it.

The organization and the environment are in concert.

Your greatest job is shedding what you don't have to do.

Organisms by their design are not made to adapt too far.

Technology is anything that was invented after you were born.

Each system is trying to anticipate change in the environment.

Changing things from the top down works when things are stable.

We are reaching deep within ourselves to adjust the master knob.

It is easy to make a dollar but it is hard to make a difference.

Technology is all the accumulated usefulness that our minds invent.

Everything that we are making, we are making more and more complex.

We are infected by our own misunderstanding of how our own minds work.

Find the minimum amount of technology that will maximize your options.

I work in a "you scratch my back, and I'll stab yours" kind of a place.

We are infected by our own misunderstandin g of how our own minds work.

Evolution doesn't care about what makes sense; it cares about what works

An organization is a set of relationships that are persistent over time.

The only factor becoming scarce in a world of abundance is human attention.

Each organism's environment, for the most part, consists of other organisms.

Technological advances could allow us to see more clearly into our own lives.

An organization's intelligence is distributed to the point of being ubiquitous.

A complaint is a unique opportunity to strengthen the relationship with the client.

It's generally much easier to kill an organization than to change it substantially.

Any believable prediction will be wrong. Any correct prediction will be unbelievable.

Willingness to learn is important, but willingness to act on what you learn is critical.

Much of outcomes research is a systematic attempt to exploit what is known and make it better.

The way to build a complex system that works is to build it from very simple systems that work.

Complexity that works is built up out of modules that work perfectly, layered one over the other.

In a broad systems sense, an organism's environment is indistinguishable from the organism itself.

Clearly, we are self-made. We are the first technology. We are part inventor and part the invented

Species go extinct because there are historical contraints built into a given body or a given design.

Humans are the reproductive organs of technology. We multiply manufactured artifacts and spread ideas and memes.

Since a relationship involves two members investing in it, its value increases twice as fast as one's investment.

The way that organizations and organisms anticipate the future is by taking signals from the past, most the time.

The most interesting thing about change in the environment is that for the most part the environment isn't changing.

The smallest thought could not exist unless the entire universe and the laws of physics were in some way encouraging it.

Our society lacks a feedback loop for controlling technology: a way to gauge intended effects from actual effects later on

Why fear feedback? Why stigmatize failure in the workplace when it's bringing you closer to achieving your organizational goals.

In the context of your dreams,knowledge will always gives you enough reasons not to act. Act regardless and execute xceptionally

The only organization capable of unprejudiced growth, or unguided learning, is a network. All othertopologies limit what can happen

Singularity is the point at which "all the change in the last million years will be superseded by the change in the next five minutes."

The most certain thing you can say about the environment tomorrow is that it probably is going to be just like today, for the most part.

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