A man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time: pills ...

A man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time: pills or stairs.

Make the world a bit better or more beautiful because you have lived ...

Make the world a bit better or more beautiful because you have lived in it.

Investing is pure.

Go west, young man.

I have a couture body.

Time is eternity begun.

Fashion is one big family.

Ease up, the play is over.

Life is a zoo in a jungle.

When in doubt, wear a suit.

I'm not the girl next door.

This country is a republic.

Nothing Succeeds like excess!

Bigotry is chronic dogmatism.

Exercise is an unnatural act.

Filmmaking can be a fine art.

Common sense is very uncommon.

I try to avoid political ties.

I am the cat that walks alone.

At 26, I barely knew who I was.

I like messy. What fun is tidy?

Pink is the navy blue of India.

Faith is the flip side of fear.

I only watch MSNBC for the news.

You never monkey with the truth.

Our best today; better tomorrow.

Your socks should match your tie

Exaggeration is my only reality.

I adore artifice. I always have.

No one knows how hard one works.

Who wants to privatize Medicare.

You should never poison a witch.

I happen to be a chain breather.

Seek out different perspectives.

I was a great fan of Jim Henson.

Peace without justice is tyranny

What is wealth? A dream of fools.

The first rough draft of history.

I love the free spirit in London.

The personality is a work of art.

Too much good taste can be boring

A good novel editor is invisible.

Peace without justice is tyranny.

You should never meet your heroes.

Bleaching eyebrows makes me crazy.

Money grants you freedom, I guess.

Lighting is everything in a color.

It made and preserves us a nation.

You must never tire fighting Satan.

Color me! Accessorize me! Shock me!

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