I love doing fashion.

I'm not really an actress.

I am an organization freak!

I love watching 'Golden Sisters' on OWN.

My fitness journey will be a lifelong journey.

A moment on the lips is a lifetime on the hips.

I lost like... 13 lbs. from just cutting out dairy.

I would surrender my being to see you whole once more.

The bikini waxing, after we go there you can't turn back.

I'm like a connoisseur of dry shampoo, so I'm really picky.

I'm so excited. I love radio and being on the new Mix 102.9.

I think all diets are kind of weird. The word 'die' is in it.

Our family brings a different amount of - not fame - attention.

I'm strong and fearless and not afraid to take risks in business.

I used to not watch what I ate. I would just kind of eat whatever.

I don't drink Pellegrino and Perrier, but my nieces and nephews do.

Everyone has issues, and I'm not someone who likes to burden people.

I love hard; I love who I love, and I don't make any qualms about it.

Part of being married is knowing when your husband needs your support.

If I want to wear a long flowing dress, someone will say I'm pregnant.

I've learned from experience you just never know what happens in life.

You can say you're sorry 5,000 times, but that doesn't mean you mean it.

I don't have any regrets. I wouldn't change a thing. You learn as you go.

People make me feel like I have a problem because I haven't had a kid yet.

All the makeup in the world won't make a difference without great skincare.

I would say the dumbest thing I have heard is that my dad isn't my real dad.

Everyone expects me to be 9 feet tall and weigh 200 pounds when they meet me.

I try to work out five days a week. It's a lot, but I feel great when I do it.

I have candles, pictures and flowers on my nightstand... and of course a lamp!

I was a mindless eater. I ate for comfort. I also ate out of boredom and habit.

Everyone expects me to be 9 feet tall and weigh 200 pounds [when they meet me].

It's crazy how many nude lip crayons I own - I probably need to get rid of some.

My weight fluctuates, like any normal girl, and I have times when I feel insecure.

I just let my hair go - if there's no hairdresser around I really can't be bothered!

Your life is meant for you to understand and process, not to make anyone else happy.

I'm not big on looking up myself. I don't get Google alerts, and I don't look on blogs.

I promise you, the gym has taken away so much of my stress. It has helped calm me down.

I love doing my makeup - mostly because I'm pretty good at it. What I can't do is hair!

I think the beauty of growing up is not really knowing and figuring it out for yourself.

I know my soul is beautiful; I know I'm a good person. And that will never change for me.

I'm Armenian, but I'm very fair and I look white... I would always get such hate about it.

There is a method to the madness when it comes to placing everything in your refrigerator.

To be able to design for the plus-sized consumer, for me, that's just beyond. It's a dream.

I'm not a big 'cry on a shoulder' person. I'm very introverted when it comes to my own stuff.

With this crazy lifestyle, you have to think of places where you can still have your freedom.

I was married for five years, and I definitely had that baby fever, which I think you should.

If I even imagined someone talking to my husband too close, I would beat the crap out of them.

I don't feel the pressure by outsiders. I'm not someone who's easily influenced by the public.

A lot of adults don't think it's their place to interfere with kids. I interfere all the time.

It just sucks when you’ve given so much and you realize it still wasn't good enough for someone.

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