I'm a very determined person.

Clarity keeps you from boredom.

I love to be nervous before a scene.

The media paint ugly pictures about you.

As far as I'm concerned, I don't eat meat.

That was the first time I knew I loved him.

I can't be enticed by a big commercial film.

You have to be a little unreal to be in this business.

I grew up on soul music. I was a dancing little creep.

I'm my own worst enemy sometimes when I pick projects.

We need to listen more, to hear the silence and live in it.

I'm very thankful that I've had such longevity and variety.

I love to see somebody who wants to be the best they can be.

I'm not too in love with the word ambition, but I was driven.

I do things every day for my birthday. I'm just not a party girl.

I just want to thank everybody I have ever met in my entire life.

I cannot really be responsible for other people's thought processes.

It always takes the truth a little bit longer to cross the finish line.

I still eat sushi, though I'm trying my best to have my last sushi roll.

There's no doubt that becoming a mother was the greatest thing I'll ever do

There's no doubt that becoming a mother was the greatest thing I'll ever do.

I don't have time to be classified as difficult, and I don't have time to care.

I'm not a real social person, I'm shy and a lot of the business is just social.

I don't live by a lot of society's rules; I can't pattern myself after the herd.

There are so many things in this life that I want to do and I can't do them all.

I'm very sensitive to energy and people and life and animals and a lot of things.

I'm not a real social person - I'm shy - and a lot of the business is just social.

Some movies - even movies you've done way before - they're just clearer in nature.

I've done so many dramas in my life, and people don't even know I came from comedy.

I work in a strange business, and trust is a word that's not even in the vocabulary.

I work in a strange business, and 'trust' is a word that's not even in the vocabulary.

If anyone has a dream out there, just know that I'm living proof that they do come true.

I've just always believed you can get anything you want in this life - anything you want.

Whatever show is on, I dress in that designer's clothes. Some of them were totally unwearable.

I was so shy at school that I hardly ever talked, so everybody thought I was kind of a hermit.

Watching myself still makes me uneasy - and when you're younger, you're even more unforgiving.

If you could see or feel the suffering you wouldn't think twice. Give back life. Don't eat meat.

I just feel passionately about the horses and I will until it's no longer a tradition in New York.

There are movies that I did and I know what I did and I know the story, and I don't want to see that.

I think any girl who comes to Hollywood with sex symbol or bombshell hanging over her has a rough road.

I look at marriage and I think marriage is phenomenal. I think it's great. I don't hold anything against marriage.

I was doing publicity for 'The Getaway'; people were coming in from all over the world to do six-minute interviews.

Once you become a mother, your heart is no longer yours...My daughter is the greatest thing I'll ever do in my life.

I say when the truth wants to find you or wants to be found by you, it will come after you. You cannot stop that force.

I just thank god that I didn't grow up with so much money or privilege because you had to create ways to make it happen.

Children need to grow up and make their own decisions - how they want to pierce their bodies or do whatever they need to.

In American cinema, people will take a chance on you, though they'll often remind you that really, they always liked you.

My dad was a musician, and that was his first love, and I think probably, to be really honest, it was my first love as well.

I wouldn't trade anything no matter how good or bad or difficult. I'm the luckiest girl in the world as far as I'm concerned.

You learn something from everything you do. With every project I've ever done, I've always treated it like I'm still in school.

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