Marriage is not a word; it is a sentence.

Take it from me, marriage isn't a word - it's a sentence.

In Hollywood, the cameraman lights the star. In Europe, he lights the set.

The director is the channel through which a motion picture reaches the screen.

The quickest way to correct the other fellow's attitude is to correct your own.

A simple story filmed with limited sets can often be more effective than a costly extravaganza. provided it had depth and allows the audience to identify with the character.

There is the story in every man's heart of human progress. I believe every one of us knows that his major job on Earth is to make some contributions, no matter how small, to this inexorable movement of human progress.

The Screen Directors Guild was organized solely by and for the motion picture director... We are not anti-anything: The Guild being formed for the purpose of assisting and improving the director's work in the form of a collective body, rather than as an individual, as was necessary in the past.

In my opinion, the motion picture is the greatest medium of expression ever invented. It embraces all the other arts. The films that have the greatest unity, the greatest overall strength, and give the most satisfaction to the viewer, have been those in which a guiding hand was imposed in every section of the film's many divisions.

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