A typical rapist is a recidivist.

I was a tennis player in high school and college.

To change Washington, you need to change the women's player list.

Sexism is alive and well in politics, as it is in all industries.

President Trump is tearing apart the moral fabric of this country.

I'm proud to have stood with the LGBTQ community my entire career.

For too many, the shot for a brighter future is simply out of reach.

The horrific damage of 9/11 did not end when those buildings came down.

As a lawyer you never speak with emotion. It's about the precise facts.

I'll always stand up for America's seniors so they can age with dignity.

My mother is a great hunter - she usually shoots our Thanksgiving turkey.

As we all know, there is no harder or more rewarding job than being a mom.

I believe that reproductive rights are human rights, and they are nonnegotiable.

Like all Americans, I will never forget where I was the morning of the 9/11 attacks.

I was new at my job, and I needed to address my inexperience and weaknesses head-on.

A bright future for the nation depends on the health and prosperity of rural America.

We deserve a president who inspires us to stand for something greater than ourselves.

Use your voice on the local level where it has the potential to be more widely heard.

Along with a livable wage, many parents are desperate for quality affordable child care.

I look at each nominee. If they suck, I vote against them. If they're worthy, I vote for them.

Throughout my career I've fought for the rights of women as full and equal members of society.

I believe transparency in government is key to restoring our nations faith in its elected leaders.

I believe transparency in government is key to restoring our nation's faith in its elected leaders.

Empowering women in the workforce is a key to growing the economy and having a thriving middle class.

I really love my job, and I feel like I can make a huge difference for New Yorkers, fighting for them.

I don't think clients you represented as an associate are relevant ... I think how you vote is relevant.

I don't like the phrase having it all. It implies we're being greedy, like "have a second piece of pie."

I find that when you open the door toward openness and transparency, a lot of people will follow you through.

The government can take smart steps to give all kids the healthy start they need to reach their full potential.

A strong and dedicated mentor can help a young woman get her foot in the door, get a promotion and get a raise.

Health care should be a right; it should never be a privilege. We should have Medicare for all in this country.

As a 10-year-old girl, I would listen to my grandmother discuss issues, and she made a lasting impression on me.

When women earn more, families are stronger, and children have better access to quality health care and education.

The silver lining of the Trump presidency is it is an era of activism, and one where women really want to be heard.

Communities in every corner of America struggle to fill nursing vacancies to provide care for everyone who needs it.

The biggest mistakes I've ever made are when I've been rushed. If I'm overwhelmed, I slow down. It's more effective.

If one of my colleagues wants to block a bill, they should stand up in front of the American people and explain why.

One of the primary reasons I first ran for Congress was to be a voice for our troops, veterans and military families.

Show me a supposedly 'unfixable' problem in Washington, and I'll show you the political corruption standing in the way.

I was one of the first senators to support marriage equality, and led the effort to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act.

LGBTQ Americans deserve a president who will always stand with them and protect their civil rights - without hesitation.

There is no greater call to service than that of our brave men and women who serve our country in combat across the globe.

It's a heavy feeling being in Washington. There are so many important issues at risk. You're in a fighting stance every day.

Instead of marginalizing women, Congress must get to work on policies that can foster job creation and fuel economic growth.

I'm grateful that President Trump is willing to talk about paid leave, but his policy, unfortunately, is woefully inadequate.

A strong mentor can help a young woman find and advance in the career of her dreams that otherwise may have seemed impossible.

Discriminatory wage practices undermine women's ability to provide for their families and survive on a decent retirement income.

I have always stood up to protect women's access to safe and legal abortion, birth control and health care at Planned Parenthood.

For me, getting off the sidelines means women making a difference by letting their voices be heard on the issues they care about.

When we create hope and opportunity in the lives of others, we allow love, decency and promise to triumph over cowardice and hate.

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