Each project changes you a bit.

I love going out. I love partying.

I like playing dark, broody types.

I just don't know anything about fashion.

Attention gets you the opposite sex sometimes.

I love action. I love doing fight scenes, I always have.

At drama school, I was always playing the 11-year-old boys.

The best people to have power are the ones who don't want it.

With 'Downton Abbey,' you're always stuck in one stately home.

I wear quite fitted clothing. I don't like wearing baggy stuff.

I've inherited the bad poetry genes, but not the inventor genes.

Iceland, I'm in love with that country, the people are incredible.

I have a wild streak, but I like to keep that very much for my friends.

I'm very much a "that's so obvious, I must not mention it" kind of guy.

There's a huge difference between stage fighting and real sword fighting.

There's an unhealthy obsession in America with royalty and the class system.

I try not to read the social networks too much. I find that way madness lies.

I've always been a bit of a self-doubter, I think a lot of actors are. I still am.

I've always hated my voice. You sound different in your head when you hear it out loud.

I trained in theater. And I started in theater with my first two jobs doing stage plays.

I love New York; I love the city. It's impossible. It's a theme park of a city, isn't it.

I was called Kit from day one; really, I only found out my name was Christopher when I was 11.

Working with animals is always going to be tough because the animal doesn't know it's an actor.

Like every actor, you get notorious for maybe one role and then get offered a lot of similar roles.

There are lots of actors out there who are hugely, hugely talented and haven't got the breaks I've had.

I do want to have children, but my parents had me when they were in their forties. I'd like to copy that.

As an actor, you don't have much choice about your appearance. It's a good excuse for looking ridiculous.

I'm very lucky, I've got two very loving parents, still very much together, and always been very supportive.

Politics is a game and a profession. It doesn't really serve the people the politicians are supposed to serve.

It's a nightmare if you're working with someone you don't get on with, especially if you have to be in love with them.

I studied history when I was at school, at A-level, actually. I wouldn't profess to being very knowledgeable though, no.

It's very difficult to say anything in Icelandic. I can say "takk," which means "thank you." That's about all I learned.

I love acting and I know that's a cliché, but I didn't really, I was very naïve when it came to the whole being recognized thing.

When I'm applying for a new passport or something, someone will call me Christopher. Other than that, no one ever calls me Christopher.

You find with the really great actors, the ones you really admire and look up to, very often they're very giving, generous, warm people.

When I'm applying for a new passport, or something, someone will call me Christopher. Other than that, no one ever calls me Christopher.

I remember I had to play a blind person once, and I did this stupid thing with my eyes, and I knew the minute I started it I'd made a mistake.

Jeff Bridges is one of those icons that I put on a very high pedestal, so just to get to chill with him off-camera on cold, rainy days was surreal.

The more you fly, the more unsettling it is, because you realize how much more likely it will be for you to crash. I am getting better at it, though.

I kind of weirdly fell into being an action hero...I have no f- idea how that happened. You have to remind people that you want to act rather than just run around

When you're a lead role, I'm learning that you set a tone for the movie in a way, like a director does, or like other actors do. But it seems like you set a mood on set.

I'm a terrible packer. I don't pack lots and lots because I think I'll wear everything, I pack a lot because I never know what I'm going to need. I always go over the weight limit.

Wearing baggy clothes makes me look shorter. I just don't know anything about fashion. I know what I like wearing. I'm always accused that I wear too much black. I love wearing black.

I didn't get into this for fame, I genuinely didn't. I love acting, and I know that's a cliche, but I didn't, really, I was very naive when it came to the whole being recognized thing.

When I was 14, I saw 'Waiting for Godot.' It's one of those plays that if it's done badly is absolutely dire and can put you off acting for life. But I was laughing all the way through it.

I don't want people thinking they know me instead of the character. Steve McQueen has loads of stories about him - who knows what's true? But it's great for people to fictionalize rather than know the truth.

On a serious level, I wouldnt tell the press if I was in a relationship or not. I wouldnt ever reveal that, because it takes you down a certain road... I have no desire to be courting the press with my love life.

On a serious level, I wouldn't tell the press if I was in a relationship or not. I wouldn't ever reveal that, because it takes you down a certain road... I have no desire to be courting the press with my love life.

I always love costume, and I'm always heavily involved in how things should look. Or how they should feel really, because that's part of the way I suppose I get into character in some ways. It's a lot about costume.

You don't want to seem too eager, too romantic - otherwise, it just looks a bit try-hard. But I do think that a first date should be intimate. So I'd choose a nice dinner somewhere cozy, not too crowded, with good wine.

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