Everybody wants to play for Pep.

With team spirit, you can win anything.

I love Arsenal, it's the club of my heart.

We all struggle in life at a certain point.

I need to work hard and that is alright by me.

You need to be honest, even if you hurt people.

Every season when I win a trophy I'm just so happy.

Any manager can go through a really difficult time.

There is great respect for Liverpool in the Ivory Coast.

It is all about working hard, focusing and doing our job.

I think it's amazing how Ramadan can make you really strong.

I had six years at Arsenal but the last two were very difficult.

If you're not perfect, don't expect the other guys to be perfect.

When you play for big clubs you have more chance to win trophies.

To win the World Cup is not about one player, it is about a squad.

Wenger built this club and it is hard to imagine Arsenal without him.

A season is like a marathon and there will be plenty of ups and downs.

I have always been the kind of player who tries to help those around me.

My dream is to win the World Cup with an African team, for my continent.

For me, life is about being happy. Life is about enjoying and that's it.

I can learn so much from working with Brendan Rodgers, he is a top manager.

Any team can fall down but it's about how they react to defeat that matters.

Strikers need to score goals and when they don't their confidence is affected.

My wish was to finish my career at Arsenal, but there are always banana skins.

When you're at a big team like Liverpool, you can't expect to start every game.

Stephen Keshi is a good coach and he has changed Nigeria into a respectable team.

I know my qualities, I've got nothing to prove here in England, they know me here.

I will keep playing for the national team until I feel I can't offer them anything.

In official competitions there are mistakes you don't make or you pay for it dearly.

I've always been someone who has wanted to fight and to scrap for every penny I could.

I won the title with Arsenal in 2004 and it is harder to defend it the following season.

Individuals are very important but team spirit is the key - it is the most important thing.

I remember the best defenders were Baresi and Cannavaro - you don't have to be really tall.

You can't ever give up. When you refuse to lose games, you often find yourself winning them.

Sometimes when you come every day to training you can't realise how big it is to be a footballer.

When you do a good tackle, or block, the Kop they really appreciate that and they let you know it.

You know I've been at Arsenal which is a top club and every week you have to fight for your place.

Always, always, for a team like City, it's difficult to go for a season without winning one trophy.

When I went to Arsenal I was working really hard on the weights, as Arsene Wenger is very keen on that.

I think you say that strikers win you games, but defenders win titles and I think that's really important.

I give everything for my team to win but the most important thing is to enjoy every second of every minute.

I'm a professional footballer and, to me, playing regularly is the most important thing; money is secondary.

You have to build your squad every year to do better; to win the Champions League is very difficult as we have seen.

It's very important to know what you are facing, whether you are going to be part of the team or just a squad player.

Managers come to clubs bringing players with them and they want to pick them at all costs - whether they are any good or not.

Baresi was not tall but he was a great player, while Cannavaro was the best defender in the world - hopefully I will be the same.

Ramadan is an important part of Islam, and when you are observing it, God is happy with you and you have to have a big celebration.

I had problems with certain players at Arsenal, especially one, whose name I will not say because I don't want to feed the controversy.

Sometimes people, not the players, play the game before it's started and that's a problem because there are no small teams in the Premiership.

The only thing you can bring players in with is money or, if you are like Arsenal, you wait for your youngsters to come in, but that can take a while.

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